Everyone has a bad day now and then.

I miss basketball every now and then.

I like to dress up every now and then.

Now and then, there's a fool such as I.

Every now and then we're going to fail.

Every now and then, I have a deep thought.

Play what you know and then play above that

Now and then I find a kitschy series I love.

A fool must now and then be right, by chance.

Maybe it was better, now and then, to wonder.

A bit of arrogance is nice every now and then.

I'll skateboard now and then from time to time.

Every now and then, I deserve to say what I feel.

I like to give my inhibitions a bath now and then.

The mob will now and then see things in a right light.

We're all entitled to a little stupidity now and then.

Nothing to be gained by worrying between now and then.

Every now and then a little bit of change never hurts.

It's not the worst thing to slap a woman now and then.

It is as well now and then not to remember all we know.

A little alarm now and then keeps life from stagnation.

Every now and then they threw one where I was swinging.

Every now and then we could steal somebody else's stuff.

I hole up now and then and do nothing for days but read.

Now and then an innocent man is sent to the legislature.

I am Irish, so I do like a good fight every now and then.

I get accused of being a social worker every now and then.

I just want to live happily ever after, every now and then.

Strange how paranoia can link up with reality now and then.

A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.

It's okay to be sad. Everyone gets sad now and then. Even me.

I don't like bowling that much. Every now and then, it's fine.

I never diet. I smoke. I drink now and then. I never work out.

Every now and then if you try, you can discover something new.

Between now and then, 'til I see you again, I'll be loving you.

God works wonders now and then; Behold a lawyer, an honest man.

Every now and then you're going to get beaten, but we work hard.

I prefer to listen to people who change their mind now and then.

Everyone likes a burger now and then, and that's absolutely fine.

Y'know, there's nothin' like tearing up a good club now and then.

Unless you're ashamed of yourself now and then, you're not honest

Every now and then you meet a man whose ignorance is encyclopedic.

I read serious books, but every now and then, I read just for fun.

I really, really loved making 'This Is My Life' and 'Now and Then.'

Every now and then I like to do as I'm told, just to confuse people.

Whatever the polls do between now and then, winning is what matters.

Don't be afraid to try again everyone goes south every now and then.

We all have dark shadows in our self that come out every now and then.

Marriage is hardly a thing one can do now and then, except in America.

A wolf eats sheep but now and then, ten Thousands are devour'd by Men.

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