I speak Hebrew excellently.

Sublimity is Hebrew by birth.

I didn't go to Hebrew school.

I'm a Persian Jew, and we don't speak Hebrew.

Hebrew is deeply inspired by other languages.

I have always been edified by Hebrew prayers.

The Hebrew will turn Christian; he grows kind.

I write in words. And my words are Hebrew words.

You should do what we do, stack chips like Hebrews.

There is no word in Hebrew for religion, by the way.

It's problematic being an Arab who writes in Hebrew.

I went to Hebrew school but opted out of a bar mitzvah.

With the Hebrew Bible, you're living in an austere world.

What do Japanese Jews love to eat? Hebrew National Tsunami.

In the Hebrew language, there's no such word as coincidence.

Hebrew was frozen, like frozen peas, fresh out of the Bible.

There is no other language as similar to Hebrew like Arabic.

Some providences, like Hebrew letters, must be read backwards.

I might do something in Arabic. I might do something in Hebrew.

Before Ben-Yehuda... Jews could speak Hebrew; after him they did.

Since the Exodus, freedom has always spoken with a Hebrew accent.

Nowhere in the Hebrew Scriptures does it say that God is omnipotent.

However, the word madda in modern Hebrew specifically means science.

The Providence of God is like Hebrew words-it can be read only backwards.

God presents the Sabbath rest as a shelter we can enter. (Hebrews 4:1-11)

I just went to Hebrew school, had a bar mitzvah. No crazy weird Jewish cult.

Hebrew is the language I use to thank the Creator and, also, to swear on the road.

There's no question that I am biased toward the Hebrew calendar over the Gregorian one.

I speak fluent Hebrew and even dream in Hebrew when we visit there, once or twice a year.

I learned enough Hebrew to stagger through a meaningless ceremony that I scarcely remember.

Most Arab Israelis speak Hebrew, but not the other way around. It's about time that changed.

You have miracles [in the Hebrew Bible], yes, but they're not the work, normally, of demons.

It is too late to be studying Hebrew; it is more important to understand even the slang of today.

I've never seen a movie in Hebrew about Jesus. I have three kids, I don't have enough time to watch TV.

It is impossible for me to conceive of a character more utterly detestable than that of the Hebrew god.

When I write in Hebrew, I don't look for sophistication in music; it's just pure emotion that comes out.

It is a fact that the classics of Yiddish literature are also the classics of the modern Hebrew literature.

Hebrew is this unique thing that you cannot translate to any other language. It has to do with its history.

I do not speak Hebrew, but I understand that it has no word for 'history.' The closest word for it is memory.

It is only in Hebrew that you feel the full meaning of it -- all the associations which a different word has.

There are certain concepts, which exist in english, and are unthinkable, untranslatable into Hebrew and vice versa.

I was reading the Bible in Hebrew from a very young age, so that'll shape ideas about how words can move the world.

I love a Hebrew National hot dog with an ice-cold Corona - no lime. If the phone rings, I won't answer until I'm done.

All of my friends on the street we're Jewish. I went to a lot of bar and bat mitzvahs. I even learned a little Hebrew.

I say let's be idealists. "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not yet see" (Hebrews 11:1).

I studied at the Hebrew University Medical Faculty, graduated, and was an Israel Defense Forces' combat physician on a Navy ship.

I might sing a gospel song in Arabic or do something in Hebrew. I want to mix it up and do it differently than one might imagine.

I don't have any religion. I'm Hebrew by nationality. My religion is just God. I have no religion, I just believe in the Most High.

Hebrew School was my first introduction to real feminism. I remember that much more than I remember any kind of actual religious teaching.

The republican model described in the Hebrew Scriptures reassured pious Americans that republicanism was a political system favored by God.

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