A church that likes power likes prayer.

Opportunity comes to pass-not to pause.

Football is a lot to do with mentality.

I would like to win the Premier League.

Lead­ers live by choice, not acci­dent.

There's nothing quite like a World Cup.

I know my game and I know my qualities.

I will always be thankful to Guardiola.

If Barca call me, I'll drop everything.

Following Real Madrid, I support Porto.

Huddersfield will want to win this one.

Great coaches can't win always in life.

I am ugly, but what I do have is charm.

Brazil is a fantastic football country.

There is no comparison to English fans.

It is important for me to feel at home.

The explorer is the person who is lost.

Forwards do a lot of things intuitively.

Referees and linesmen are killing teams.

I don't dance! Only when I'm on holiday.

I think I have a really good work ethic.

Madrid is a club with very high demands.

I have spent half of my career at Milan.

To praise is an investment in happiness.

Most goals are scored between the posts.

It's important for me to keep improving.

Playing for Madrid is a great challenge.

Leaders live by choice, not by accident.

If you cut me in half, I'm a footballer.

Everton have a healthy list of injuries.

Is the circle of fifths a drinking game?

[Lionel Messi] is great in any position.

I am proud of every one of my teammates.

Goalkeepers need an element of insanity.

No individual can win a game by himself.

I'm a person who fought for what I have.

Madrid will always be a priority for me.

At Real Madrid, I learned a will to win.

Jari Litmanen should be made compulsory.

Yordi circumnavigated Ledley King there.

I respect and admire the Premier League.

What I don't like is talk about rumours.

Winning, you can overlook so many things.

If God exists, there's no way he's French

I don't look too far ahead, to be honest.

I can let the team do the talking for me.

I love soccer; I want to be on the field.

My wife says OBE stands for Old Big 'Ead.

I don't like to get involved in conflict.

I have no problem with Sir Alex Ferguson.

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