I fought K-1 at heavyweight.

The heavyweight division needs me.

I know I can win the heavyweight championship.

My punching power passes any other heavyweight.

The goal is to be heavyweight champion of the world.

I want to be the light heavyweight champion of the world.

I always rated Luis Ortiz as one of the best heavyweights.

I would meet Tim Elliott at 135. At heavyweight if he wanted.

I feel great being the first Mexican heavyweight UFC champion.

I will move up to heavyweight and show them all how good I am.

I eat tall, chinny, Eastern European heavyweights for breakfast.

In the heavyweight division, you can't afford to make a mistake.

My goal is to be the undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World.

I'm a pretty big guy so heavyweight for me it comes very naturally.

My dream role is Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight champion.

I've been knocked down more than any heavyweight champion in history.

Everyone wants to see the heavyweight division unified. It'll happen.

Whaddya know? I'm the first Mexican heavyweight champion of the world.

I'm one of those heavyweights who'd like to fight as often as possible.

By the time 2020 comes around I expect to be world heavyweight champion.

My goal is to become the first Mexican heavyweight champion of the world.

The Internal Revenue Service is the real undefeated heavyweight champion.

I have been dreaming about the heavyweight title it seems since I was born.

The British scene in boxing, not just the heavyweight division, is popping.

I want to be more than the heavyweight champion. I want to do great things.

I think everyone has knockout power. I mean, it's the heavyweight division.

I don't think anyone hits as hard as I do in the light heavyweight division.

The heavyweight boxing needs Shannon Briggs and boxing needs Shannon Briggs.

I've been a heavyweight in boxing, in kickboxing. I'll do it in again in MMA.

Speed is something that, in the heavyweight division, we don't have a lot of.

I want to be World Heavyweight Champion, but unfortunately, that didn't happen.

I'm the best heavyweight outside the world champions, and let's not forget that.

Me becoming the first Mexican heavyweight champion of the world, it's a blessing.

I can match any of the fastest heavyweights out there and I am ready for a fight.

I feel like a lot of fans would like to see me with the heavyweight championship.

I have always maintained that Iggy Pop is the Heavyweight Champion of Rock & Roll.

I've worked hard and accomplished what I've accomplished in the heavyweight scene.

There's very few people that ever have a chance to become World Heavyweight Champion.

I always ask myself why old heavyweights come back, but I plan to stay out of the ring.

Cain Velasquez, for my money, is the most intimidating force ever in heavyweight combat.

Florida A&M University was my first real introduction to politics as a heavyweight game.

I can't think of any heavyweights that would match up well with me. They're all too big.

To have a heavyweight world champion from Manchester is something you can only dream of.

I don't have any doubt in my mind: I could knock out any man in the heavyweight division.

I set some goals for myself. I really want to run through this whole heavyweight division.

People go on about weight. Mike Tyson wasn't the biggest heavyweight and he was an animal.

I believe in myself. I want to be a fighter. I want to be heavyweight champion of the world.

The thing is this sport doesn't have a heavyweight who is prettier than I am and can get down.

I've always fought as a heavyweight, and I didn't see any reason to fight at a lighter weight.

Cain has proven himself as the best heavyweight of all time, and it would be hard to strip him.

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