Stay excited and stay humble and good things will come.

I am very happy and excited to re-sign with the Yankees.

I just get excited... like a painter with a blank canvas.

Sorry, I get a little excited when I talk about firearms.

America is definitely something I'm pretty excited about.

I'm so excited about the new iPad, I just iPeed my iPants.

I'm excited to be home, not wear makeup, and wear onesies.

You can get excited about the future. The past won't mind.

What better reward than to see others excited by your work?

I'm very happy and very excited when my adrenalin is going.

The hoopla, the applause, the praises have never excited me.

Nothing gets me more excited and inspired than something new.

I don't really get excited about good things happening to me.

I was really excited to have the opportunity to make Fiddler.

I'm always excited by the unlikely, never by ordinary things.

We were excited to win, staying undefeated is just the icing.

I'm excited we can be part of making the death penalty history.

You have to do anything you can think of that gets you excited.

I’ve licked stamps who were more excited than you by that kiss.

Writing a memoir has a particularly excited sense of narcissism.

I'm very happy and excited to be a member of the Boston Red Sox.

I like it when somebody gets excited about something. It's nice.

If you get excited about something, it's totally okay to show it.

Being excited about stuff on a daily basis, I'm so excited by it.

I was extremely excited personally about the Obama-Biden victory.

I'm excited to go study and read and immerse myself in something.

I've always been a Pretenders fan... I'm very excited about this.

The film, 'Searching For Sugar Man,' has excited my music career.

Action scenes get me so excited, and my adrenaline starts pumping.

I was enamored with him. And I was excited. And I was enjoying it.

For me as a filmmaker, I do the projects I'm really excited about.

I smile when I think of the past and get excited about the future.

We're always honored and excited to collaborate with other artists.

A first-place team? You're always excited to become a part of that.

Human beings. People's stories. That's really what gets me excited.

I usually dive head first and am really excited about that changes.

If you're not excited about the subject, the viewer won't be either.

If you can't get excited about living life, then what are you doing?

I am really not interested or excited by repeating former successes.

I have never been more excited than I am today about making pictures.

What you're getting excited about is not A face, but a feminine face.

I was really excited about 'Nerve' with Dave Franco and Emma Roberts.

I think writers are excited by stupidity and bad behavior, generally.

They say I have no emotions, but I'm excited even if you can't see it.

I'm excited to begin the next chapter of my life with an amazing woman.

Sometimes, you get too hopped up, too excited, and it works against you.

I'm very excited about being added to the USA Men's National Team roster.

A parade looks like a bunch of people are excited about being in traffic.

I'm constantly doing new stuff. I'm always excited. I'm a one-man tornado.

I really like when I read a scene and it scares me. That makes me excited.

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