I deep sea fish a lot.

Fish cannot carry guns.

The fish adores the bait.

To fish in troubled waters.

Human beings are still fish.

Fish recognize a bad leader.

Fish did not discover water.

Live the Dream, Dream the Fish

[T]is not all fishing to fish.

Empty the pond to get the fish.

A fish has no concept of water.

Only dead fish go with the flow.

Fish & Visitors stink in 3 days.

Is this chicken or is this fish?

fish and visitors stink in 3 days.

All fish are not caught with flies

The fish is the star of the plate.

No loose fish enters our quiet bay.

Fish got to swim, birds got to fly.

I like to fish when it's not too hot.

In a shared fish, there are no bones.

I can fish from a stick and a string.

Women need men like fish need bicycles.

I never drink water... fish f**k in it.

You can't go wrong with fish and chips.

Lying to the Left is like water to fish

I don't eat much meat, fish, or poultry.

If truth is the lure, humans are fishes.

We live in media, as fish live in water.

One man's fish is another man's poisson.

It's no sure rule to fish with a cros-bow.

Wherever the fish are, that's where we go.

If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.

I prefer being a small fish in a big pond.

God is closer to us than water is to a fish.

When frying small fish, disturb them little.

Dead fish don't swim around in jealous tides.

You know why fish are so thin? They eat fish.

Nothing worse than a piece of dried out fish.

Knowledge does not keep any better than fish.

You want to save more fish? Eat more broccoli.

I swim like a fish and I have an amazing kick.

If I were a man with gills, I would be a fish!

I am only happy when I am swimming like a fish.

You can be the dead fish. I'll be the old stick

I always fish out antique ideas, very old ideas.

Un-dish-cover the fish, or dishcover the riddle.

The fish once caught, new bait will hardly bite.

I'm a fish swimming by...catch me if you want me.

The catfish is Plenty good enough fish for anyone

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