[One] who is healthy in body, resourceful in soul and of a readily teachable nature.

I don't think you can represent the country properly if you're not a healthy person.

The diet, to be healthy, has to be mostly fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds.

Dear children, don't eat anything healthy at home, just keep eating those hamburgers

I'm happy we have three healthy children and we'll stay with three healthy children.

I stay healthy through eating well, working out - simply living a healthy lifestyle.

I eat a healthy diet and try to be gluten-free - my body functions better without it.

Jesus is center, people are central. That's an equation for a healthy youth ministry.

Do not believe yourself healthy. Immortality is health; this life is a long sickness.

Healthy disagreement, debate, leading to compromise has always been the American way.

Healthy body image is not something that youre going to learn from fashion magazines.

I like to take risks as long as they're healthy, you know. They're good, smart risks.

It's not always clear where a healthy patriotism shades into a dangerous nationalism.

Letting an emotion move through you is healthy. Letting an emotion define you is not.

Let's be healthy big people. Everybody can't be a size 0 or 45, but let's be healthy.

Happy thoughts create happy molecules, and healthy thoughts create healthy molecules.

I felt like we would have definitely won an NBA championship if everyone was healthy.

Industry keeps the body healthy, the mind clear, the heart whole, and the purse full.

A healthy and wholesome cheerfulness is not necessarily impossible to any occupation.

Rise early, that by habit it may become familiar, agreeable, healthy, and profitable.

Healthy body image is not something that you're going to learn from fashion magazines.

Movie stars are supposed to be healthy. They're kept happy and nutritionally together.

Having balanced nutrition is also very important to keep my body in shape and healthy.

My goal is just to get healthy as far as what my ideal weight has to be for my height.

In a way there's only a fine shade of difference between the healthy and the deranged.

I am not a slim person, so I regularly exercise to be healthy mentally and physically.

I know now that having regular checkups and mammograms are key to a healthy lifestyle.

When you realize that the baby's healthy and born, it's a release and you're so happy.

Actually, if I don't eat healthy food I don't feel good. For me, I crave healthy food.

Some believe it to be just friends wanting, as if to be healthy enough to wish health.

I'm not trying to win an award for being the best vegetarian, just want to be healthy.

Being a mom can be so isolating, and hanging out with other moms is very, very healthy.

I try and eat really healthy when I'm home, but I certainly don't eat worms and snakes.

One of my beliefs very strongly is that any democracy depends on a free, healthy press.

Ensuring a healthy future means investing in the generation who will carry that future.

I do not think about being beautiful. What I devote most of my time to is being healthy

I try to be healthy because to be happy and healthy on the inside shows on the outside.

I take care of myself. I work out every day. I eat healthy. But I like to have fun too.

Americans have a healthy stupidity. That lack of sophistication is a secret superpower.

I learned in a very public setting what works and doesn't work for a healthy lifestyle.

The flapper has charm, good looks, good clothes, intellect and a healthy point of view.

People who don't have experience setting healthy boundaries, they have secrets instead.

I am healthy because of my strict diet. I can eat anything, but I don't eat everything.

I would want to know that my daughter is going to enjoy a long, happy and healthy life.

Fundamentals in the gaming sector remained relatively healthy during the first quarter.

I have a healthy respect. The fact that I get ready for each opponent shows my respect.

It is not much trouble to doctor sick folks, but to doctor healthy ones is troublesome.

Agriculture is at the same time the most tranquil, healthy, and independent occupation.

In L.A., there are so many people that are focused on being healthy that it's unhealthy.

Sure I think it is healthy to speak the truth, and be who you are, and be proud of that.

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