Clutter, either mental or physical, is the sign of a healthy curiosity.

A basic tenet of a healthy democracy is open dialogue and transparency.

It's always healthy to be taken down a notch, even though it's humbling.

It's incredibly difficult to keep a healthy body image in this business.

To keep my son healthy, I throw secret veggies into his favorite dishes.

Travel is no more than a relatively healthy form of narcotic, after all.

Eating healthy is a constant battle. I love chips. I'm a huge pasta fan.

Only a healthy lifestyle will help you achieve a fit body. No shortcuts.

I found that no food tastes as good as what it feels like to be healthy.

People are as healthy and confident as the stories they tell themselves.

It's amazing how when you feel healthy from the inside out, you show it.

For an everyday look, I prefer natural-looking skin with a healthy glow.

A healthy body isn't defined by weight or size. It's about so much more.

Buddhism helps me to have a healthy relationship with my body and spirit.

An essential part of a happy, healthy life is being of service to others.

It costs money to stay healthy, but it's even more expensive to get sick.

Money cannot buy health, but I'd settle for a diamond-studded wheelchair.

A healthy old fellow, who is not a fool, is the happiest creature living.

Dominican Republic is, is prosperous, healthy, full of resorts, etcetera.

My Mom always cooked healthy. Greek food lends itself to cooking healthy.

I think confrontation is healthy, because it clears the air very quickly.

Having a healthy body and healthy mind is always something I think about.

I'm not sure how healthy it is to shoot police helicopters with bazookas.

Opinions that are well rooted should grow and change like a healthy tree.

A healthy loyalty is not passive and complacent, but active and critical.

I try not to be neurotic; I try to create and present healthy body image.

My mission is to stay healthy and productive and serve as a good example.

Success is about evolution. Change is healthy. I like to reinvent myself.

A healthy old fellow, who is not a fool, is the happiest creature living.

I'm very frustrated by fear of imagination. I don't think that's healthy.

Boundaries are a part of self-care. They are healthy, normal and necessary

Any healthy man can go without food for two days - but not without poetry.

The key to eating healthy is not eating any food that has a TV commercial.

What mom cares about most is that I'm happy, healthy and enjoying my life.

If I stay healthy, I have a chance to collect 3,000 hits and 1,000 errors.

Unhealthy cultures create addiction. Healthy cultures create social bonds.

Healthy and nourishing food was the only alpha and omega of rural economy.

Possessing a healthy imagination is a necessary ingredient for creativity.

Be healthy, don't eat meat, keep away from those Night-Clubs and MEDITATE.

I am healthy. I wish all my colleagues to the peace process to be healthy.

I've made a promise to myself to be a 100% healthy person if nothing else.

But I think the more you eat healthy clean foods the more you create them.

There's just me and my wife and a dog and we feed him Healthy Choice also.

In terms of self-esteem and confidence I think I'm generally quite healthy.

I live out of cans a lot. But I try to indulge only in healthy canned food.

I love my cats more than I love most people. Probably more than is healthy.

I wrote, exercised, ate healthy, and responded to life in prison very well.

We all have an interest in making sure teens grow up healthy and drug-free.

Healthy people eating healthy food should never need to take an antibiotic.

When you motivate others to be healthy, you can’t help being motivated too.

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