Whenever I'm in L.A, I see Jessica Biel.

Jessica Lange is my all-time favorite actress.

I love Sarah Jessica Parker. What's not to like?

I'd like to drift into Jessica Tandy-type parts.

Jessica Alba's very beautiful; so is Sienna Miller.

My favorite part of 'Jessica Jones' is... all of it.

Jessica Lange was my biggest crush when I was a kid.

There's no bigger supporter in Jessica's life than me.

I love Jessica Simpson. I love her voice. She's amazing.

With 'Jessica Jones,' I'm in almost every frame of the show.

It's just Jessica and Marcus, oxymoronically alone together.

Emma Stone and Jessica Chastain are both very classic beauties.

What I'd like is to turn out like Jessica Simpson, with her whole brand.

All I have to say is: Jessica Simpson is the most beautiful woman on the planet!

If someone says, 'I love 'Jessica Jones!'' I just say, 'Thanks, I love you back!'

The content that Jessica Nigri puts out, really displays cosplay in the wrong light.

My second marriage to Jessica just fell apart. It was nothing to do with restaurants.

I love to shop at Macy's. It has a huge Guess section and lots of Jessica Simpson stuff.

Jessica Lange is a sweetheart, the nicest lady in the world. She has a Poodle named Jack.

I've had a pretty organic approach. I'm not Jessica Chastain. I'm not theatrically trained.

Tammy Faye said, I am so happy that Jessica Hahn is so ugly, because now I don't feel so bad.

I can say that working with Jessica Lange has been one of the most incredible joys of my life.

Jessica Jones isn't dressed in a sexy outfit to turn people on. She's gritty. She's a human being.

Jessica Jones is such a great part, and I do serious work on it. I feel really creatively fulfilled.

Lucky Justin Timberlake has Jessica Biel. I think she would just be the coolest girl to hang out with.

Jessica Jackley has a gift for making people want to fork over their cash. To total strangers. Far, far away.

I look at Jessica Alba and think she's got a great body. I think that's what women are supposed to look like.

I wasn't Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson. I wasn't Tori Amos or Norah Jones. Nobody knew what to do with me.

I wear Spanx to smooth things out. I read that Jessica Alba wears them and if she wears them, then so should I.

I watched 'Newlyweds' - that was my favorite reality show because I love Jessica Simpson. I'm obsessed with her.

I'm a wannabe redhead, definitely wannabe Julianne Moore or Jessica Chastain redhead. But I love being a brunette.

I'm quite happy being myself. I'm a big fan of Jessica Lange and Jeanne Moreau, but I don't want to be anyone else.

Jessica Lange in Frances... was dramatic and passionate and one of the strongest performances I've seen a woman do.

They did is sent me down Clearwater, Florida, and they said to me, Jessica, I need you to make Jim Bakker feel better.

What you see in 'Daredevil' and 'Jessica Jones' isn't the Hell's Kitchen of today; it's a version of what it was like.

I don't like asking for an autograph, but I would like to take a picture with Jessica Simpson because I love her style!

It's exciting to originate Jessica Jones. There's obviously more freedom in that versus playing a well known character.

I must point out - Sarah Jessica Parker is not a diva - she's one of these pop culture characters that everybody likes.

If getting a great body was easy, every woman would look Jessica Biel, and every guy would have a body like Kellan Lutz.

When I was 6, I saw a commercial that Jessica Simpson was in, and that was the first time I felt my little heart flutter.

'Daredevil's a great show; I feel like 'Jessica Jones' is a great show, and I feel like they really are tapping into something.

I think it's hilarious when people call Jessica Alba or Eva Longoria curvy. Come on. They're not curvy. They're small. I'm curvy.

We look up to Jessica Alba. I loved that something bothered her, and she created products around it and built an empire around it.

I love Sarah Jessica Parker; I've worked with her. I think she's amazing... She's a great producer and has a great business acumen.

Jessica Alba. I have the biggest crush on her, I can't even tell you. I met her in Vancouver when she was filming 'Good Luck Chuck.'

I would say Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Biel are very attractive. I think I would put Jessica Biel as No. 1. She's very beautiful.

Jessica Rabbit! People wouldn't call her the most beautiful person in Hollywood, but I find her quirkiness and talent very attractive.

Jim Bakker came along. He said, Jessica Hahn, listen. You're a virgin. As God as my witness. He said, We need a girl that we can trust.

I do not resent Sarah Jessica Parker. We've been friends for decades. I just do not like what 'Sex and the City' did to my neighborhood.

I love 'Gossip Girl.' I used to hang out with Blake Lively and Jessica Szohr. I'm also addicted to Bravo and reality shows like 'Top Chef.'

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