You should know how to do your job.

The way I did it, every job was A+.

The right server for the right job.

A writer's job is to tell the truth.

It's an acting job - acting natural.

No one's dream job involves a kiosk.

Being a husband is a whole-time job.

I like my job but it's not who I am.

It's a hard job to become president.

Nobody goes to work to do a bad job.

When God's in it, the job gets done.

Writing is an incredibly lonely job.

Farm jobs are not a bargaining chip.

One Way: Jesus! One Job: Evangelism!

A job is a very healthy thing to do.

What you see on the field is my job.

I think I've got the best job around.

My first job was cleaning sheep pens.

Well, I don't have much job security.

I won't give up my day job of design.

I have to talk like this! It`s my job

Film-making is a physically hard job.

Lawyers have a dangerous job in Iran.

Hillary Clinton hasn't created a job.

I'm gonna do a great job for America.

I never got a job from a poor person.

Never send a boy to do a woman's job.

A leader's job is to help his people.

I was just worried about my nose-job.

Change the world is maybe Obama's job.

The writer's job is to tell the truth.

I can't find a job. It makes me crazy.

If a job's worth doing, it's too hard.

I'm pretty darn happy with my day job.

I am an analyst; my job is to analyze.

I didn't have any great job prospects.

My job is intense. It's very physical.

Men without jobs do not form families.

If you face a man's job, find a woman!

Science's job is to map our ignorance.

One man's fantasy is another man's job.

Give a woman a job and she grows balls.

Revolutionaries don't get job security.

It's a good thing a DUI's job security.

In my job I do my best to look forward.

Tennis is my job, but it's not my life.

As CEO, my main job is editor-in-chief.

Every little job counts. Design counts.

A school’s job [is] to begin education.

I've been pretty lucky, I like my jobs.

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