I've never been a great lead guitar player.

My dad is a huge rock n' roll lead guitar fan.

I don't labour over my lead guitar solos; they're better just caught in the moment.

I used to play quite a good lead guitar, R&B style. Clapton and BB King are heroes.

I get to play a scorching lead guitar, and there's not much that's more fun than that.

I didn't know how to play lead guitar. There was a freedom in not knowing how to do it.

Bruce's band is so different from the Grateful Dead; there's no lead guitar player, for one thing.

I'm not going to play lead guitar in a concert hall full of people, because I'm going to mess up a lot.

I used to listen to the Beatles and Stones, whereas Angus was more into the heavier stuff - Cream, Hendrix - with the lead guitar.

My dad is a huge rock and roll lead guitar fan. I didn't even really know that until recently. Everything has to have a guitar solo in it.

John Mayer is the epitome of the lead guitar player so I sent him an email with a bunch of my music and he sent back really detailed advice.

I've always known from the time I was eight years old what I wanted to do. I would have been fairly content to be someone's lead guitar player.

I was learning guitar as the band was beginning, at least in terms of being a lead guitar player. I could write songs, but I couldn't really play solos.

I just like simplicity. I like simple songs, I like simple chords, simple vocals, simple lead guitar. I just like simplicity. That's just the way I like it.

Growing up in Dallas, my first influences on the guitar were T-Bone Walker and Les Paul. T-Bone taught me how to play lead guitar behind my head and do the splits in 1951 when I was nine.

My foundation is acoustic guitar, and it is finger-picking and all of that and sort of an orchestral style of playing. Lead guitar came later, more out of the necessity to do so because of expectations in a particular situation.

The lead guitar work is a bit repetitious, but when a song is under two minutes long, I don't have much room anyway. Thank goodness. But I've always contributed guitar parts to every band I've ever been in, so I'll always play the axe.

Every girl is a singer. I wanted to learn the solos and play lead guitar. I would meticulously teach myself solos so when dudes were like, 'Oh, you're a girl, you can't play guitar,' I could rip these insane Telecaster blues solos and tell them, 'Yeah, I can burn up a fret board.'

Everybody besides my piano player has been with me since the very first day. We were a four-piece band for a solid two years. It was me playing acoustic and rhythm electric guitar, a bass player, a drummer and a lead guitar player. For a couple of years, we sounded like the Foo Fighters.

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