Maybe people are more like the earth than we know. Maybe they have ...

Maybe people are more like the earth than we know. Maybe they have fault lines that sooner or later are going to split open under pressure.

America is pretty split.

I like to do the splits onstage.

Light will someday split you open

It is freezing fit to split a stone.

Images split the truth in fractions.

Have you ever tried to split sawdust?

The best way to carve is not to split.

Life would split apart without letters.

Music is split up now into little pockets.

Every band goes through breakups or splits.

Belgium is a country with a split personality.

A split second can ruin or boost the sequence.

My mother says I used to breast-feed in a split.

Even You-Know-Who can't split himself into seven.

For desert, maybe we can split a couple of crumbs.

You can split atoms, but you can't split true love.

I am made of endless hours. Not just split seconds.

My life was split by two worlds, but he kept me whole.

Technically, I split my time between N.Y.C. and Boston.

I've split my life between a few different disciplines.

I still feel my generation is split on their attitudes.

To boldly split infinitives that no man had split before.

Any time the country is split 50/50, the leader is wrong.

Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.

Dancing is like bank robbery, it takes split-second timing.

I feel like I've been split open and stuffed with sunshine.

For a split second, he had looked almost like my Alex again.

The scientists split the atom; now the atom is splitting us.

Name and date split in soft slate a few months obliterate. 166

I belonged in Idle Valley like a pearl onion on a banana split.

But it was the singing that pulled me in and split me wide open.

I love Neil Finn. I've loved everything he's done since Split Enz.

To split yourself in two is just the most radical thing you can do

I used to go to Haagen-Dazs and order three banana splits at a time!

Some people say "if we split up,we can cover more ground"-with blood

Why can I do the splits? That's weird. I'm uncomfortable with myself.

When I split an infinitive, God damn it, I split it so it stays split.

Privatisation splits hospital services into increasingly small packages.

The mightiest rivers lose their force when split up into several streams.

Scientists are like atomic nuclei. They are more easily split than fused.

I can sing, I can act, my physical comedy is on point. I can do the splits.

For love - I would split open your head and put a candle in behind the eyes.

I used to be able to do the Chinese splits, where you open your legs sideways.

I know that people's judgments are fast, and in a split second I will ruin it.

I split my time between Santa Barbara and Aspen. I live on a pretty fast horse.

If we split practice from the real thing, neither one of them will be very real.

Еhe older you get, the more baggage you have, and the harder it is to just split.

I did gymnastics when I was growing up and to this day I can still do the splits.

I blow up fireworks all the time, and I love making milkshakes and banana splits.

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