Be at your mother’s feet and there is the Paradise.

Philosophy is true mother of the arts [of science].

We are children of the Earth...respect your mother.

God is our father, but even more is God our mother.

Mother was a great force in her area of evangelism.

Uniqueness was something my mother pounded into me.

My mother worshipped at the altar of the accessory.

Sometimes you want to hear your own mother's voice.

When a child is born the mother also is born again.

My father's wit, and my mother's tongue, assist me!

In God's great vaudeville, Mother is the headliner.

I say stick with Mother Nature as much as possible.

My mother used to rock me - and she used big rocks.

My mother is an extraordinary woman, extraordinary.

My mother and dad played the fiddle and the guitar.

Speech is the mother, not the handmaid, of thought.

I've been through it all, baby, I'm mother courage.

A light-heel'd mother makes a heavy-heel'd daughter.

I make sure I carve out time to be with my daughter.

My mother thought me being gay was a death sentence.

Being a mother is by far my greatest accomplishment.

It's really hard to balance work and being a mother.

Who can put a pricetag on the influence of a mother?

Mothers of America / let your kids go to the movies!

Time is the father of truth, its mother is our mind.

One Earth, one mother - one does not sell the Earth.

My mother always said democracy is the best revenge.

My mother and I always had full adult communication.

like any Irish mother, I am scar tissue to the bone.

My mother was a Democrat - southern Democrat, y'all.

My mother and I are big domestic violence advocates.

That you, sister. May you be the mother of a bishop.

A mother is the portal by which you enter the world.

The future of a nation lies in the hands of mothers.

The horrors of war, pale beside the loss of a mother

Everything I see, I now see through a mother's eyes.

Good mothers are underrated, just like good defense.

Most people marry their mother. I married my father.

My mother died happily of a stroke in her seventies.

My mom taught us the Serenity Prayer at a young age.

Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.

Fortune to one is Mother, to another is Step-mother.

Sameness is the mother of disgust, variety the cure.

A mother is a mother still, The holiest thing alive.

Sorry is the fool who ever underestimates my mother.

I have money, fame, a happy wife, our daughter Nell.

Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life.

Time is the only comforter for the loss of a mother.

No fathers or mothers think their own children ugly.

I dream of a church that is a mother and shepherdess.

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