I haven't been a prototype mother.

Every building is a prototype. No two are alike.

A prototype is always more expensive than anything.

He who makes the quickest, coolest prototypes reigns!

There's a tremendous number of the Daytona Prototypes.

Thenewno2 is sort of my little prototype band, really.

The problem with prototypes is they don't always work.

Prototype as if you are right. Listen as if you are wrong.

Da Vinci always seemed like the prototype Tony Stark to me.

Prototype, then polish. Get it working before you optimize it

If you are truly innovating, you don't have a prototype you can refer to.

There were no prototypes for me - the telly was full of little blonde juveniles.

Unfortunately, the client that exists today is still pretty much the prototype design.

I love taking an idea... to a prototype and then to a product that millions of people use.

The first album is a classic record and I think the prototype of a sound that no one else does.

Since Mary is the prototype of pure womanhood, the imitation of Mary must be the goal of girls' education.

God created a number of possibilities in case some of his prototypes failed - that is the meaning of evolution.

The act of birth is the first experience of anxiety, and thus the source and prototype of the affect of anxiety.

Once you understand business models you can then start prototyping business models just like you prototype products.

I spent much of my life dying for somebody to help me even file for a patent or make a prototype. I understand that.

F1's ability to problem-solve is second to none and our ability to make rapid prototype parts is again second to none.

Twitter was a mere prototype in 2006; now, many of us have become adept at saying all we have to say in 140 characters.

As a writer, I always think about who my prototype actors are, in my brain. It's helpful, as a writer, to think about that.

It takes a huge amount of effort to move from a successful high-tech prototype to broader adoption of an imaging technology.

I'm never what anybody envisions as the prototype of a character. My looks are just odd enough so that I'm just not what people think of.

I had to learn everything about manufacturing, patents and how to run a business, and eventually I came up with an prototype that worked.

They call me before they go into production, when they have a prototype, and they call legitimate saxophonists, too. As opposed to the other kind.

I'm proud that Della was sort of a prototype for TV secretaries. There really was no such established character on TV when 'Perry Mason' came along.

As you make a prototype, assume you are right and everyone else is wrong. When you share your prototype, assume you are wrong and everyone else is right.

Can we build a system which is able to survive on the ocean for years? That is the key question we are trying to answer here with the North Sea prototype.

Unless you have fixed costs, you don't need any capital to create a prototype. Ideally, your co-founders, with sweat equity, can create the product themselves.

But, having a perfume and license, in general, is a financial necessity. A designer must, to reap back the money spent on prototypes and all that sort of thing.

It's silly to have a prototype, because one inevitably falls for someone unexpected. My only criterion is she shouldn't just look nice; she must have a personality, too.

I think there's a prototype we're all looking for, whether it's Brett Favre or Troy Aikman. And everyone's got that picture in their mind of the prototype at the position.

My journey is about believing that people will actually stick around. It's a hard thing to believe when you don't have a prototype for it. I've had to develop that for myself.

Donald Trump believes in nation-state democracy; Hillary Clinton used the E.U. as a prototype for a larger global union. Donald Trump believes in sensible immigration controls.

I made 5,127 prototypes of my vaccum before I got it right. There were 5,126 failures. But I learned from each one. That’s how I came up with a solution. So I don’t mind failure.

I wanted to see if you could put a prototype radio station on the Internet so you wouldn't have to invest $50 million or $100 million or $150 million to buy a transmitter and a frequency.

Remotely operated aircraft have been on the Canadian Forces' wish list since the 1990s. Trials of a variety of drone prototypes began at the Canadian Forces Experimentation Centre in 2002.

We got involved with the RepRap Project, a community focused on making 3-D printers that could make copies of themselves and help create a world without money. We started making prototypes.

What my voting record reflects is constantly looking to improve the amount of resources we having going into research, development, and prototypes we have going into renewable energy sources.

I want to encourage other people to try to discover who they are, not to try to fit into some superficial prototype of what they think a Christian should be, but to discover who they really are.

Based on German prototypes, green walls and roofs are a natural idea in Singapore's tropical environment, where mosses, ferns, philodendrons, orchids and other epiphytes literally grow on trees.

Talk about a woman of a certain age - Pearl Buck was a great prototype of continuing to work. She was in the hospital dying of cancer, and in the next room was her secretary, typing out her next book.

There is a change in the view about how condominiums are designed. People used to make prototype apartments and reproduce these boxes hundreds and even thousands of times, and then ask people to conform.

Blockchain is moving beyond cryptocurrency, and it's worth paying attention - especially since successful prototypes show that blockchain, also known as distributed ledger technology, will be transformative.

Jeron Lanier and 'Lawnmower Man.' That was VR. And there was the VFX1, that big giant VR prototype unit, and I was like, 'I am going to save my money and get one of those.' And then VR just sort of drifted away.

Well, for over a year now at my desk, a prototype program of Luigi and Mario has been running on my monitor. We've been thinking about the game, and it may be something that could work on a completely new game system.

From the early days of European migration to America, in the 17th Century, the prototype of buildings was based on English precedent, even if mostly translated into the locally available material in abundance: timber.

There is no modern prototype for a campus. You have to have a completely different model which has to do with transparency and exposing social connectivity and breaking down the Balkanization that happens departmentally.

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