With a free press comes a responsibility.

You cannot blame everything on the enemy.

Great power involves great responsibility

Anybody from my soil is my responsibility.

Sleep is death without the responsibility.

Eternal vigilence is the price of liberty.

To the victor belong the responsibilities.

It's like a fugue of evaded responsibility.

Power always brings with it responsibility.

To repel one's cross is to make it heavier.

I'm really not tailored for responsibility.

Liberty and responsibility are inseparable.

Rights are subordinate to responsibilities.

‎Old enough to kill means old enough to die

Quit thy childhood, my friend, and wake up!

Responsiblity is the great developer of men.

As designers we have a great responsibility.

Absolute freedom is absolute responsibility.

Making reality real is art's responsibility.

By multiplying ironies, I evade commitments.

It's a huge responsibility being a solo act.

Take stands, take risks, take responsibility.

As designers, we have a great responsibility.

Take responsibility for the energy you bring.

I will take responsibility for all operations.

With awareness come responsibility and choice.

Self-preservation is the first responsibility.

I feel a responsibility for telling the truth.

The responsibility to nightmare is to wake up.

But responsibility hardens the heart. It must.

Democracy isn't a gift. It's a responsibility.

Our responsibility begins with our imagination.

Everyone is responsible and no one is to blame.

Responsibility is proportionate to opportunity.

The writer's only responsibility is to his art.

Responsibility is always about concrete action.

The function of freedom is to free someone else.

Excuses excuse us from fulfilling our potential.

With great influence comes great responsibility.

A burden in the bush is worth two on your hands.

Divide responsibility and nobody is responsible.

Every man's happiness is his own responsibility.

The world we want is an enormous responsibility.

Embrace the hell out of personal responsibility.

Only individuals have a sense of responsibility.

Only lies and evil come from letting people off.

Take responsibility for making conscious choices.

We children learned responsibility automatically.

Winners take responsibility, losers blame others.

As architects we have a responsibility to society

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