You know, a TV show is a slow build.

I played 100 shows before I got paid

The first rule for success? Show up.

...chaos doesn't run the whole show.

Just show up and things will happen.

I enjoy what I do. I think it shows.

It's not sissy to show your feeling.

Don't be afraid to show who you are.

My base will show up in earthquakes.

Wherever I am, I think it's my show.

Be on time because it shows you care.

I watch every reality show out there.

The CW likes to hold on to its shows.

My home has always been show business.

This show is our own personal beliefs.

I don't want to do just a liberal show.

My stage show is raw and unpredictable.

The audience is a big part of the show.

I don't give concerts, I put on a show.

I'm not watching any TV shows, frankly.

I wanted to show I had balls at age 60.

I was knocked out by the show, Chicago.

It's better to show up than to give up.

The bigger the show, the weirder it is.

Decisions are made by those who show up.

Show business got really tainted for me.

St. Elsewhere was certainly a great show

I'm never one to compare shows to shows.

Tell me I can't so I can show you I CAN!

To show that you truly care, you listen.

You dont need a love scene to show love.

Boxing is just show business with blood.

Mercy to him that shows it, is the rule.

There's no rules. Show me the rule book.

Dreams show you that you have the power.

It takes strength to show vulnerability.

You seen my shows; I bring the 'hood out.

Earth has not anything to show more fair.

Obedience shows whether you are grateful.

No problem, I'll get a penguin to show us

Fans can't ruin shows. Only creators can.

It's show business. No show, no business.

Age merely shows what children we remain.

I like very much to put on fashion shows.

Effort + the courage to show up = enough.

A show of daring oft conceals great fear.

I'm always so sick of myself after a show.

To draw true beauty shows a master's hand.

Show business is what I do, not what I am.

Clothing doesn’t lie, it shows everything.

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