she shall scant show well that now shows best.

I really like the way Fox handles their shows.

I am young. I better show off what I have now.

Singularity shows something wrong in the mind.

I've had singing lessons and plan to show off.

The show had run its course on the Fox network.

Obama shows no sign of easing up on negativity.

All the dreams you show up in are not your own.

I want to get out there. I want to show myself.

Talk shows are proof that conversation is dead.

I work so hard for the fans who watch our show.

We show up. We do our best. Good things happen.

History shows how feeble are barriers of paper.

Outside of show business, I live a normal life.

I love the show 'Damages!' I am truly addicted.

I'm very into the first production of the show.

And generally the shows I'm in fail really big.

'The David Letterman Show' is a show of comedy.

It's easier to cancel a show if it's expensive.

Show the readers everything, tell them nothing.

They usually show movies on a flight like that.

The church must always show compassion, always.

I did it to show the world that Jews have guts.

Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers.

Working on the Dave Chappelle show was amazing.

Your destiny is just waiting for you to show up

Tell me, and then again show me, so I can know.

Teaching is, after all, a form of show business.

Dead things show you what you’ll be too one day.

Sometimes it's easier to show than it is to tell

There is a learning quality in all of our shows.

What I do shows people what kind of person I am.

Flattery is like a painted armor; only for show.

Life tells you nothing, it shows you everything.

You must show him, by leaving him severely alone.

I'm really happy. I just don't choose to show it.

In show business, you get chewed up and spit out.

Joy:show joy & enjoy: then others will be joyful.

Words without action mean nothing. I’ll show you.

I have always been too round to do fashion shows.

Well folks, that's about it for the show tonight.

I've always loved to dress up a bit and show off.

We shall show mercy, but we shall not ask for it.

If I never do another show, I'll die a happy man.

If someone says can't, that shows you what to do.

I realize that you have to show up for your life.

Eloquence shows the power and possibility of man.

I love doing club shows. I love that tight sound.

Why not show off if you've got something to show?

Imitation is the sincerest form of show business.

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