It's not the average people that come to my show.

This shows you are never too old to get surprised.

But this is called show business, not show family.

If something is built to show, it's build to grow.

I'm captivated by you, baby, like a firework show.

I would show up at any venue that had an open mic.

That's what show business is, sincere insincerity.

We will draw the curtain and show you the picture.

Some people were offended by a show about cougars.

Have more than you show, Speak less than you know.

It is how you show up at the showdown that counts.

If I lose show business - I'll really be an orphan!

Faith is contagious when we show it to one another.

Is it hard to make a living in show business? Yeah.

I'd never go on a reality show - it's too invasive.

My first show was 'The King and I' when I was five.

Faith always shows itself in the whole personality.

Hero shows you how to solve the problem - yourself.

She loves you. She's just forgotten how to show it.

What's going on in the inside shows on the outside.

I don't even watch my own show: I tape it, I'm out.

People are more what they hide than what they show.

The smallest sprout shows there is really no death.

And we edit to let the fire show through the smoke.

I never watch the Dinah Shore show- I'm a diabetic.

The deepest feelings always show itself in silence.

I'll show you just how cruel a sport basketball is.

I've learned... That when you're in love, it shows.

Go looking for an idea and it'll show up. Begin now.

It's a tremendous honor to be asked to carry a show.

We'll never see national shows with 45 shares again.

God, that Anthony Jeselnik Show sounds really funny.

The best way to avoid warfare is if no one shows up.

I've been asked to direct pilots for a lot of shows.

History shows you don't know what the future brings.

Ask God to show you His plans, not bless your dreams

Playing show after show is like my bread and butter.

It's not a party until the fire department shows up.

It is important not to show too many inches at once.

Keys show up when you reconcile yourself to the bus.

Daily life shouldn't be a fashion show all the time.

The basic rule of storytelling is 'show, don't tell.

A true artist never portrays to please, but to show.

Show me how you drive and I'll show you who you are.

Life can't work for you if you don't show up as you.

Why were there no buoys in life to show you the way?

The show must go on all over the place or something.

Every single show she out there reppin like a mascot.

I feel like I don't watch that many shows with death.

Show your instructions in actions as much as you can.

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