I still do standup.

I come from standup and improv.

I love to work. I love doing standup.

I'd been doing standup since college.

I'm not a standup, but I play one on TV.

I'm more of a sketch guy than a standup.

I've actually never done standup before.

It's a young man's game - standup comedy.

I'm a standup comedian, so I need people.

I love standup and I haven't given it up.

Hopefully standup will become special again.

Trying my hand at standup was exciting to me.

I will always love to perform standup comedy.

I do standup once a year, when I host the CMAs.

In my early years doing standup, I bombed a lot.

I did standup comedy. I opened once for Jay Leno.

I'm really good at standup. I always win at standup.

Standup is just dirtier, a far more risque kind of thing.

I really love standup, and I really love writing standup.

NBC anchor Brian Williams is a standup comic in disguise.

Is it my end-all and be-all to become a standup comic? No.

I know I'm going to be doing standup for the rest of my life.

I graduated from Improv Olympic. I used to do standup comedy.

Louis C. K. is one of my all time favorite standup comedians.

Until I started doing standup, there were some very bleak days.

Unquestionably, standup comedy is and has always been an art form.

I just like doing standup, that's all I'm interested in or good at.

I do standup every week in L.A. at the Laugh Factory and the Improv.

I have seven brothers and sisters, and they could all be standup comics!

I'd decided to write about stuff that I would like to hear standup about.

Standup is essentially part of your personality with the volume turned up.

I had a crisis of confidence and ran away from being a standup for a while.

I love standup, but not the grind of traveling and dealing with club owners.

The idea that standup is a thing with defined boundaries is kind of ludicrous.

I was a standup comedian, which is kind of like writing and directing yourself.

The podcast movement was really a creative survival mechanism for standup comics.

A standup set ends on a buildup of tension and subsequent release for a big laugh.

At the end of the day, I'm not really trying to make a statement with any of my standup.

I come to Maui and go surfing, standup paddling, slacklining, swimming, and free-diving.

No one goes into standup to make money. The frustration and rejection are just too much.

Standup is really the only thing in the entertainment business that you do totally alone.

I had never done a roast, but I really wanted to, because it's so different from standup.

That's a nice thing about being a topical standup: you can add in things to keep it fresh.

I don't want to be a spokesman for family values, but that's the way my standup is perceived.

I'm a singer and performer in a hybrid show that's standup, music and audience participation.

My standup is observational, but it's self-observational, and it's self-deprecating, definitely.

I did a lot of standup from ages 19 to 24 but then stopped to focus on sketch with Broken Lizard.

Unlike 'Deal or No Deal,' which is for the entire family, my standup is not for the entire family.

The standup thing has been really fun, really seeing the United States instead of reading about it.

I started doing standup when I was in college, and I would incorporate a lot of characters into my act.

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