I have a great legacy, tarnished somewhat by the move.

Getting kicked out of Cube has tarnished my reputation and disgraced myself.

When man lives under government, he is fallen, his worth is gone, and his nature tarnished.

A good cause need not be tarnished by its most fanatical expressions. But it is rarely helped by them.

In 1980, a nation in need of change selected Ronald Reagan to restore the shine to a tarnished America.

I've spent my fortune, tarnished my public view and made myself the brunt of punch line after punch line.

Here's my Golden Rule for a tarnished age: Be fair with others, but keep after them until they're fair with you.

If I could go back and change how I left the NRL, I would. My name will forever be tarnished but I wasn't the man I am now.

It's been awhile. My Oscar is getting kind of tarnished. I looked at it a couple of years ago and thought I really needed a new one.

When you've experienced the real Marilyn, it's difficult to watch a movie about her.' I didn't want to have the memories of my experience tarnished in any way.

It is unfortunate that the poor judgment shown by a small group of young actors has tarnished the reputation of every child who has ever appeared before a camera.

I know that no matter what is said about Martin the King Jr., what he contributed, what he gave, what he meant, what he means all over this planet cannot be tarnished.

I like the little semi-competencies of human beings, I realize. Governance, after all, is a messy business, a world of demi-solutions and compromise, where ideals are tarnished regularly.

Religion has been terribly tarnished in the course of time, its pristine purity has long since vanished under the regime of creed, and it is no longer Catholic, that is to say, Universal.

Havana is one of the great cities of the world, sublimely tawdry yet stubbornly graceful, like tarnished chrome - a city, as a young Winston Churchill once wrote, where 'anything might happen.'

Basically, Aristotle believed that every time you behaved unkind and immorally - performing actions your soul was not proud of - you tarnished your soul. The worst shape your soul became in, the worst shape your mood and spirit.

Misdeeds of a few players and certain people cannot and should not bring bad name to hundreds of players who participated in the I.P.L. with full honesty. The reputation of the I.P.L. cannot be tarnished by a few greedy individuals.

I love the notion of the feckless sort of knight in tarnished armor who would love to fill the shoes of the legendary hero but just can't. And then find a moment when they do. And I love the idea that there's a myth waiting for each of us to occupy.

You can be precious about something like 'Blair Witch' and say, 'How dare you approach it as a sequel or remake' or whatever, but its legacy was so tarnished by 'Book of Shadows' that someone had to come in and do something in the spirit of the original.

There's a fine line between artist and product. I don't think the industry purposely does it, but I think that's just the way they maneuver. You have to be careful that doesn't become your story, where you become a product, and your art is tarnished because you're just seen as a tool to make money.

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