Religion is the fruit of the Spirit, a Christian character, a true ...

Religion is the fruit of the Spirit, a Christian character, a true life.

True life is elsewhere

I write about true-life type things.

True life is lived when tiny changes occur.

You can't lead a true life without suffering

What you get is a living-what you give is a life.

If you want to be true to life, start lying about it

We are the dead. Our only true life is in the future.

The best of life is always ahead, always further along.

A true life is at once interpreter and proof of the gospel.

Life is a game played on us while we are playing other games.

You know, your career is just your career; your life is your life!

Reality is hard. It is no walk in the park, this thing called life.

Grant me courage to serve others; For in service there is true life.

In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge.

Mukesh calls me his true life partner... I just enjoy being Mukesh's wife.

Life is neither to be wept over nor to be laughed at but to be understood.

Blessed be the true life that the pauses between its throbs are not death!

The secret of success in life is known only by those who have not succeeded.

The true life is not reducible to words spoken or written, not by anyone, ever.

Cynically speaking, one could say that it is true to life to be cynical about it.

I love Frank Ocean. We're going to get married. In true life, we should get married.

I'm not just making rhymes and making melodies. I'm expressing my true life force, energy.

I'm not just making rhymes and making melodies. I'm expressing my true life force, energy.

Joy is the triumph of life; it is the sign that we are living our true life as spiritual beings.

To experience true life, we must continue the Christian journey the same way we began it - by faith.

Hillary Clinton appears to believe in a form of stoicism - which is a tried and true life philosophy.

No doubt solitude is wholesome, but so is abstinence after a surfeit. The true life of man is in society.

It's in literature that true life can be found. It's under the mask of fiction that you can tell the truth.

Symbolism is alright in 'fiction,' but I tell true life stories simply about what happened to people I knew.

The reason some portraits don't look true to life is that some people make no effort to resemble their pictures.

All sins, except a sin against itself, Love should forgive. All lives, save loveless lives, true Love should pardon.

In life, in true life, there can be nothing better than what is. Wanting something different than what is, is blasphemy.

Life is a language in which certain truths are conveyed to us; if we could learn them in some other way, we should not live.

It's precisely the disappointing stories, which have no proper ending and therefore no proper meaning, that sound true to life.

We’d turn our lives into a terrible adventure. A true-life horror story with a happy ending. A trial we’d survive to talk about.

The idea that reincarnation means all beings eventually reach enlightenment is not true. Life does not have a fixed purpose. It just is.

Our world spins upside down and sometimes we have to lose our grip on the things we value in this life in order to grab on to true life.

There is no true life. Your true life is the one you end up with, whatever it may be. You just do the best you can with what you've got.

Bury the dead. Say Robinson Crusoe was true to life. Well then Friday buried him. Every Friday buries a Thursday if you come to look at it.

I understand true life doesn't happen when I constantly gaze backwards, mulling over all the injustices others have done or I have done to others.

I have a great family, great kids. I have practically everything, you know? Sometimes I have to pinch myself. It's really true: Life starts at 50.

We are made in the image of God; we carry within us the desire for our true life of intimacy and adventure. To say we want less than that is to lie.

These are the young women [in Stand by Me] that we grew up knowing and hopefully they feel a little rough around the edges, because it's true to life.

This world is not the sum total of God's resources -- on the contrary, it is only the 'dream,' the probation, the prelude of the true world, the true life.

And Robert Lowell, of course - in his poems, we're not located in his actual life. We're located more in the externals, in the journalistic facts of his life.

How a big majority of book critics and authors have come to believe and to teach that no book is true to life unless it is true to the worst in life, God knows.

I did a film called 'Victor' that I'm really proud of! It was a period piece and the true life story of Victor Torres. I play his mom, and it's a very moving film.

I think that any story that intends on being culturally authentic and true to life experiences will be a great story. Even if that culture isn't a hip-hop-centric one.

Of course the illusion of art is to make one believe that great literature is very close to life, but exactly the opposite is true. Life is amorphous, literature is formal.

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