I refer to myself as 'we.'

I usually refer to myself as Hispanic.

People refer to me as 'that 'Love Boat' man.'

I jokingly refer to the word 'gourmet' as the 'g' word.

What Democrats call 'nuanced', most people refer to as 'stupidity.'

First literature came to refer only to itself, the literary theory.

I do have friends in Australia who now refer to me as 'Hollywood Jack.'

Somehow it seems more clever to refer to something instead of saying it.

If you are truly innovating, you don't have a prototype you can refer to.

I like to refer to myself as 'The George Clooney of the Lane Bryant set.'

I'll refer to my music in color, like 'This song needs to be bright red.'

What people actually refer to as research nowadays is really just Googling.

I like to refer to my years with the Angels as the foundation of my career.

We refer to Lyft as a 'mullet app.' Simple up front, a lot going on in the back.

I obviously know how good I was, and people refer to the modern game being tougher.

I'm a bit of a 'Throny,' as I think the 'Game of Thrones' fans refer to themselves.

I've made a point of not being, say what I refer to as a 'careerist' about anything.

We often refer to loneliness as something negative. And we look at it as a weakness.

Nothing gets a bigger laugh than when you refer to things like ethics or human rights.

I did frequently refer to my war record in World War II, but not in any flamboyant way.

I would say the Go-Go's are pretty iconic but don't know if I'd refer to myself like that.

People often refer to Dubai as the Hong Kong of the Gulf, but it's really more like Vegas.

I don't want to reclaim the word 'tranny.' I don't want anyone to refer to me as 'tranny.'

Let no one refer to the sword of Napoleon I as the instrument of progress and civilization!

When people refer to 'Back in the Day,' it was a Wednesday. Just a little fun fact for you.

I love to read. I have a Kindle, and it's nice to be able to download books that people refer.

My mom called me 'Stinky Binky' as a toddler, and I started to refer to myself as, 'I'm Binkie.'

Every year thousands of Americans mistakenly refer to Cinco de Mayo as Mexico's Independence Day.

People refer to me as part of the MCU, as opposed to just being this actor. Honestly, it's an honor.

The word 'guru' is very loaded, so I would never refer to myself that way. I see myself as a teacher.

An academic dialect is perfected when its terms are hard to understand and refer only to one another.

It is an honour and it's flattering that people refer to me as someone they trust or get inspired from.

It would be an egregious mistake to ever refer to me in the same breath as most of the people I write about.

I always like to refer managers in corporate America as the renters of the corporate assets, not the owners.

I always refer to 'Blazing Saddles' or 'Young Frankenstein' as very much the kind of humor that I like to do.

People oftentimes refer to me as 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.' So, I'm Mr. Johnson. I'm a complete outsider.

Not a lot of individuals get to refer to the Lord in their prayers as 'Dude', but he's doing a new thing with me.

I prefer to write about what we refer to as 'the supernatural' versus everyday life. Humans, by themselves, bore me.

It wasn't until I became a mother that I started to refer to myself as an artist as opposed to a fine art photographer.

As a note, I never once refer to 'Train' as a game in the rules, and I also never refer to the participants as players.

Very good cooks who are employed as 'chefs' rarely refer to themselves as 'chefs.' They refer to themselves as 'cooks.'

A lot of people refer to me as somebody that they know. I think that kind of energy resonates with the programs on Netflix.

Not even a maggot is an it, and to refer to any animal in that manner is an affectation, an ignorant stab at science-speak.

I had four great years at West Ham. People will always refer to the difficulties at certain times, but you get those everywhere.

I never like to refer back to anything I've done when I'm working on a character, even if that character has the same occupation.

As a former prosecutor, sometimes people refer to me as 'Attila the Hun.' I understand how people can get a reputation sometimes.

When you're writing a book, you don't want it to be overly trendy because you want people to enjoy it for years and refer back to it.

I often refer to myself as a gay man and all my friends are gay and I would like nothing more than for them to be able to be married.

In America they started to refer to Telegram as 'ISIS's preferred messaging app,' But in reality there are many more legitimate users.

If the store were your own business, you'd escort the customer to a product's location in the store and refer to the customer by name.

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