The body is a sacred garment.

The body is a sacred garment.

My mother was a housewife. My father was a garment worker.

Sweater, n.: garment worn by child when its mother is feeling chilly.

When a woman removes her garment, she also removes the respect that is hers.

I noticed the people who drove the nicest cars were all in the garment business.

Government must be a transparent garment which tightly clings to the people's body.

What good to me is the festive garment of freedom when I am in a slave's smock at home?

The cut of a garment speaks of intellect and talent and the color of temperament and heart.

A much underrated garment, the jegging: they never need ironing and they hold their colour.

Even when I became the editor of 'Vogue' - America, I kept moonlighting for a garment store.

Widening a garment or making it larger is not understanding the real curves of a plus size women.

When I design a garment or a piece of accessory, the first question I ask myself is, 'Would I wear it?'

Usually, when you see clothes on a model, by some transitive property, that garment is imbued with her beauty.

Could the garment and appliance industries be in cahoots together, creating an artificial sock demand to keep us buying?

I might not the best seamstress, I might not know how to sew, but I know how to make a garment look like a million dollars.

Anybody can make a thousand dollar garment because you find the finest fabric and the finest mills, and you churn that out.

A statesman... must wait until he hears the steps of God sounding through events, then leap up and grasp the hem of His garment.

Non-violence is not a garment to be put on and off at will. Its seat is in the heart, and it must be an inseparable part of our being.

What motivated me? My mother. My mother was an immigrant woman, a peasant woman, struggled all her life, worked in the garment center.

Honor is the inner garment of the Soul; the first thing put on by it with the flesh, and the last it layeth down at its separation from it.

Whoever's designing for plus-size doesn't get it. The entire garment needs to be reconceived. You can't just take a size 8 and make it larger.

There is an invisible garment woven around us from our earliest years; it is made of the way we eat, the way we walk, the way we greet people.

'Fashion Star' has been an incredible platform to show America the amount of work and discussion that goes into each garment you see in a store.

Any garment which is cut to fit you is much more becoming, even if it is not so splendid as a garment which has been cut to fit somebody not of your stature.

Fabrics and lining make a big difference in the garment. If you're buying an expensive trench coat, and it's lined in something cheap, it doesn't feel as nice.

When a garment is in sync with your body and its proportions, it looks and feels amazing, and in France that is something that all women know from a young age.

I see taking care of my emotional and mental health in the same way that I see taking care of a garment: After it's been through wear and tear, it needs attention.

I think it is important for every actress to be able to feel whatever garment she has on because, we as women, we know when we look good. We know when we feel good.

I have lost a lot of clothes over the years... Probably the oldest garment that I still have would be my Union Jack jacket from John Galliano's spring/summer 1993 show.

I used to think that music was like lace upon a garment, nice to have but not necessary. I have come to believe that music is absolutely essential to our community life.

I love the journeys of research and discovery their development takes me on. I see prints as less 'decorative' than many might, and more fundamental to a garment's core.

In the garment trades, on the other hand, the presence of a body of the disfranchised, of the weak and young, undoubtedly contributes to the economic weakness of these trades.

What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed?

To wear a beautiful new garment is like wearing a new idea, and I see them as the same thing. Opening my closet is a form of meditation. I pick whatever I feel is right for the day.

I enjoy the sari. I think it's the sexiest garment ever. It shows you the right amount, it covers the right amount, it's extremely versatile, it suits every body type, it suits every face.

I need human feelings to fit garments. I couldn't do it just, like, on an object - it's too close to our body. It's like a skin you are making, so you need one's feelings to make a garment.

Natalie Portman's approach to acting demands that she wears her heart on her sleeve so explicitly, the heart becomes the whole garment - a crimson chemise with streaks of blue veins running across it.

I see potential in everything. It's about opening your mind to what you can do to the garment: because they're cheap, you can cut them or stitch them, and if you stuff it up, it's fine - it's only two dollars.

Each individual garment has its own customizations based on a collaboration between us and the designer. We say what we think our woman wants, and they say, 'This is what we think we can do with our production.'

No part of the world can be truly understood without a knowledge of its garment of vegetation, for this determines not only the nature of the animal inhabitants but also the occupations of the majority of human beings.

I always think the great thing about shirting is that it goes with jeans, and jeans are probably the most modern, functional garment that ever existed. That is what is so great about shirting - it is an up-play-down-play.

I was born in 1943 and raised in the Bronx, in a high rise apartment complex known as Parkchester, the only child of Max, an accountant who worked in the garment district in Manhattan, and Rose, an elementary school teacher.

When I write from the point of view of a child or a young person, I am trying to tell the truth as an adult voice sometimes cannot. We are so often wrapped in the garment of trying to reassure ourselves that we are not afraid.

Not everyone can be successful selling fashion at $25,000 for a wedding outfit. Certain designers are able to do that. And there is only a certain amount of consumers who can do that. The real opportunity is in that $25 garment.

For me, it's all about the Canadian tuxedo, and maybe a bolero. The province I grew up in in Alberta is pretty much the denim capital of Canada. The first premier of Alberta started Grand Western Garment, which Levi's bought later on.

Before WeWork, I had a baby clothing company. When I started out, I had no real contacts in the garment business and no mentor to guide me on how things worked. I just had an idea to put pads on the baby clothes on to protect the baby's knees.

A suit is just a suit: a practical garment, not a ceremonial robe; it can be worn out to dinner with friends or for a visit to an art gallery. Its beauty and craftsmanship are utterly wasted if you think of it as something magical and symbolic.

For me, couture is like 35 mm. film. It's so important we school ourselves to see real quality. In a couture garment, as in a 35 mm. film, you really feel the life of the people who made it. In high-street fashion, it's different. There's no risk.

I have always been surrounded by women with strong personality and feminine: my mother, my sister, my aunts, my friends. I am fascinated by the look they can have - simple details such as a step, a way of speaking, a gesture, a way of wearing a garment.

I very rarely wear suits, and only make one or two per season, so it's about wanting exceptional clothes that don't feel stiff. Fabric and garment washing are a big part of my design process for that reason. Everything needs to feel lived-in and comfortable.

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