Them chickens is ash and I'm lotion.

Money is the best lotion in the world.

A fancy lotion is always a great gift for Mom!

I got bath water you could soak in, things I could do with lotion.

I moisturise a lot. I use Victoria Secret's hydrating body lotion.

On the plane, I dampen cotton pads with toner and put on lotion twice as much.

My must-have hair products are Phyto silk spray and Kusco-Murphy setting lotion.

My grandma told me never, ever, ever to use soap on my face. But I do use lotion.

Tears are nature's lotion for the eyes. The eyes see better for being washed by them.

The camera can be the most deadly weapon since the assassin's bullet. Or it can be the lotion of the heart.

There's no lotion or potion that will make sales faster and easier for you - unless your potion is hard work.

This suntan lotion acts as an accelerator and an extender, meaning that this fire will burn brighter and longer.

I think that with beauty, people jump to the end instead of starting from the beginning with a good lotion or prep.

No matter where I travel, I make sure to carry a Vaseline body lotion with me to keep my skin well moisturised all the time.

After I brush on my moisturizer, I'll dip the same brush into foundation and mix it with the lotion to make tinted moisturizer.

Nivea Firming Body Lotion. When it goes on sale, I buy it in bulk. I am obsessed with it and how it makes my skin look and feel.

I like Burt's Bees Tinted Lip Balm because I don't need a mirror to reapply. But I definitely treat myself with face lotion - I use La Mer.

Poetry contains love and holds it in high esteem, even though love always humiliates it by using it merely as a soothing after-shave lotion.

The one thing I do like is lotion and moisture on my hands and face. I love to have my face moisturized. I like different ones. I like Natura Bisse.

I protect my skin with sunscreen and am religious about keeping my face moisturized and properly protected all day, so I also use a face lotion with SPF 30.

Men directors somehow think it's great to show heroes all unkempt and ungroomed. You'd be able to smell the hero's aftershave lotion if a woman directed him.

I'm fair-skinned, so beaches are a bit boring for me. I'm either smeared in lotion or under a shade. However, I do love the sea - diving, swimming and snorkelling.

I love to put on lotion. Sometimes I'll watch TV and go into a lotion trance for an hour. I try to find brands that don't taste bad in case anyone wants to taste me.

I've got this weird thing where I wake up and put lotion all over, and when I go to sleep, I put lotion all over. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing, but it's shameless.

I use Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion for my body and Aveeno Clear Complexion Daily Moisturizer for my face. I love how it smooths my skin and keeps it soft and shiny all day.

El Capitan is the most chapping environment in the world: windy, cold, super dry. I wake up twice a night and reapply lotion to my hands. We sand our fingertips to keep them smooth.

People send you stuff if you say you're interested in something. I have a tonne of body lotion. So I could mention I was interested in, you know, surfing, and some company would send me a surfboard.

I used to love those little cute bottles of amenities in the hotel room. And while the soap, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion may smell great, they waste an incredible amount of plastic and space in your luggage.

I use the Koh Gen Do face cleanser and the foaming face wash. The cleanser takes the makeup off and then the foaming face wash is like a deep cleaner. I use this lotion called Fenix, it has a little bit of SPF in it.

I'm very excited to be partnering with Vaseline because I've been a fan for years. It's products I grew up with - my mom always used them on us - and now, I use it all, from the petroleum jelly to the lip gloss and lotion.

I've immersed myself in reading more and more of American literature, but no editor has asked me to comment on Jonathan Franzen or Jennifer Egan. It is assumed I'm an expert on writers who need a little less suntan lotion at the beach.

I'm a product fiend. I love the Clarisonic cleansing brush; it's an amazing exfoliator that gets rid of all the dirt every day. And I use Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clarifying Lotion - I don't break out that much, but I feel like it's a good preventative.

I'm really into coconut oil for everything. I cook it, eat it, put it in my hair, and use it as body lotion. I put it on my face, too - day cream, night cream, whatever. I love the smell. It reminds me of the beach. I'm not particular on what brand as long as it's organic.

Before I go to bed I clean my face with a cleansing milk and cotton pads and then wash my face thoroughly with a foamy face wash. I apply a calamine lotion on my face and a medicated moisturizer on my face and neck. I repeat the same procedure after I wake up in the morning.

I actually don't wear any makeup when I'm on the field. I like looking nice, but my main concern is how I play - to me, if you look and feel good, then you play good. On the field, I only wear Coppertone Sport SPF 30. I like it because it feels like I'm putting on lotion rather than SPF.

People are building apps that are doing super-crazy things, and there's a lot of talk about modeling and microtargeting. Facebook can predict when people are going to break up, and Target is able to predict if a woman is pregnant before she knows just based on the type of lotion she bought.

I know I'm not creating transcendent works that will someday be taught in college. All I do is entertain. I try to entertain others by sending them into another world for a few hours. When I see my books read on the beach, the pages dabbed with suntan lotion, then I feel as if I've done my job.

I love St. Ives Apricot Scrub, and you can just get that at CVS - it's so good, though; it's my favorite! Usually I only use that when I shower, because if I don't shower, I'm usually too tired to wash my face and just use Maybelline cleansing wipes. And then I use Chanel Hydra Beauty Lotion. That's so good, I love it.

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