You will find men who want to be carried on the shoulders of others, ...

You will find men who want to be carried on the shoulders of others, who think that the world owes them a living. They don't seem to see that we must all lift together and pull together.

I never lift weights.

I don't lift weights.

I love to lift after games.

Choose people who lift you up.

A female vocal can lift a song.

I pack on mass quickly when I lift.

The only weights I lift are my dogs.

I want to make music to lift the people.

I can smell a liar like a fart in a lift!

I lift weights. Then I put them down again.

I lift weights and I run, that's what I do.

If I don't lift weights, I don't feel healthy.

When we lift women up, our communities thrive.

I do music for the fans. I want to lift fans up.

I run, lift weights and do yoga to stay in shape.

Surround yourself with people who lift you higher.

I really hope I can lift many trophies with Inter.

My purpose: to lift your spirit and to motivate you.

If you would lift me up you must be on higher ground.

If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.

It would be great to lift the Champions League trophy.

I did my wholehearted effort to lift Pakistan cricket.

Surround yourself with people who only lift you higher.

An audience can really lift you right up off the stage.

I like to keep fit, but I never lift very heavy weights.

I lift weights. It's one of the reasons I get up so early.

Help each other, encourage each other, lift each other up.

All in all, racing with lift and coast is actually harder.

I really want to lift the Champions League trophy one day.

An awful lot of people think it's easy to lift recipes out.

It will be a dream come true if I can go there and lift it.

You have to lift your head up out of the mud and just do it.

Our Father and Our God, unto thee, O Lord we lift our souls.

You can't be fat and fast, too; so lift, run, diet and work.

I don't lift weights. I do fitness exercises to stay strong.

If we can lift others up, then what we do is all worthwhile.

A smile is like an instant facelift and an instant mood lift.

Can trade help lift people out of poverty? It can, and it has.

I'll lift you and you lift me, and we'll both ascend together.

Even the smallest dog can lift its leg on the tallest building.

You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.

I lift weights four times a week, usually run five days a week.

I want to be the first British person to lift a UFC World Title.

I have to eat healthy, and I recover. I run, and I lift weights.

I lift quite heavy weights, but unfortunately no one believes me.

I run 50-70 miles a week and lift five or six days. It's my time.

If God is so powerful, can he create a rock which he cannot lift?

I'm so tough and so bad, I can be humble and lift another guy up.

If we do not lift up women and families, everyone will fall short.

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