Mostly, I go in the weight room and visit.

I love the weight room, and I love working hard.

I'm not one of those guys who gets stronger in the weight room.

I always lift weights very heavy and spend a lot of time in the weight room.

I want to be the same guy I am in the weight room that I am on the football field.

I don't have to go to the weight room. I don't have to go work out if I don't want to.

I've got just about a full-on weight room and ability to do just about anything I need at the house.

The weight room has always been a place for me where I could go to be relaxed. It's my sanctuary of sorts.

I put in the work, got in the weight room and really worked hard and really built confidence within myself.

By the time the season's over, I'm ready to get back in the weight room and start training as far as getting stronger.

I can lift weights every day and I'm not going to look huge, but it's good to get in the weight room every now and then.

My mom would always travel with us to everything; my dad introduced us to the weight room and showed us how to properly work out.

If I had spent as much time in the weight room as I did designing football uniforms, I probably would have had a free college education.

I like to make my training sessions harder than an actual game with very high intensity workouts, lots of sprints and plenty of weight room lifts.

We took the handcheck out of the game to give guys like Steph Curry more freedom. Why didn't we say, 'Just get in the weight room and get stronger?'

I used to make fun when I got into the league, and I couldn't believe these old guys that didn't know artists on the radio, like in the weight room.

Being in the weight room has helped me. Defensively, it helps because I'm not getting backed down easily. My legs are stronger, so I can move my feet better.

Being paid as a professional athlete didn't change how hard I was working because I'm always going to do that, whether it's the weight room or the film room.

Me, guarding the best post players in the league, it definitely takes a toll on your body. But that's why I get massages regularly, cold tub, foot baths, rest and the weight room.

Whether you're praying, meditating, you're getting silent, relaxing your mind... and you definitely want to train hard - in the weight room, on the track. You need to do all of it.

I have a center at 412 West Chicago Avenue. It's called the Jesse White Community Center and Fieldhouse. It's a state-of-the-art gymnastics facility, game room, weight room, computer lab.

My name is an acronym for EA - EA All Day. It's a persona that I developed over the years in sports as a caricature of myself. On the field, in practice, in the weight room, I was just a character and a personality.

The weight room prevents you from getting injuries, keeps your body durable and, working out even during the season, it helps a lot. It keeps your body loose, it keeps strengthening your body, especially the functional stuff.

If you go out once a week, they can blast on you that you're always out all the time, but I always put work first, and people sometimes don't see the side of going into the weight room, behind-the-scenes-type stuff with football.

The more minutes you play and the more grind and physical play you endure through the course of a season, you have to re-charge and get your body right for the next season. Be in that weight room and conditioning and that kind of deal.

I used to spend a couple of hours in the weight room, but really, an hour is long enough. I lift twice a week and on other days incorporate more core yoga and different exercises. It's important to listen to your body. I will shut it down if I'm tired.

I take the role of leadership as the most important job I have. Yes, it's the passes and all the different things you have to do, but it's leading and it's in the huddle and it's in the weight room and the meeting rooms. It's that role I think comes first.

When the ball don't lie, you can look at it as, OK, if I put that hard work in with shooting, what's going to happen? The ball is going to go in more. If I'm doing a lot of hard work, in the gym, in the weight room, I'm putting that hard work in - then throughout your career, that ball is not going to lie.

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