I'm an old sinner. Nothing shocks me.

Sophistication is upscale conformity.

simplicity is the best sophistication

A turtleneck is about sophistication.

Vulgarity is innocent; urbanity is not.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Redneck is: the glorious absence of sophistication

Sophistication isn't what you wear and who you know.

Your true cosmopolitan is born, not made. He is very rare.

Sophistication knows the score, but is powerless to change it.

Hip is the sophistication of the wise primitive in a giant jungle.

The spirit's foe in man has not been simplicity, but sophistication.

To be inclusive you must accommodate different levels of sophistication.

My washing machine overwhelms me with its options and its sophistication.

I have always thought of sophistication as rather a feeble substitute for decadence.

There is more sophistication and less sense in New York than anywhere else on the globe.

As a child, I craved sophistication and culture. My parents didn't know what to make of me.

Computer power grows according to Moore's law, as does the sophistication of handheld devices.

Everything is getting bigger. The way to go now is to program in a little more sophistication.

Wine snobbery, of course, is part showmanship, part sophistication, part knowledge, and part bluff

No matter what your cultural sophistication or what language you speak, everyone can understand images.

When I write in Hebrew, I don't look for sophistication in music; it's just pure emotion that comes out.

Through the international hotel empire, the Hilton name has become synonymous with class and sophistication.

I tend to think that there is a sophistication to everything at 'Saturday Night Live,' including the sketches.

There are a lot of folks at Fox News who bring a certain level of sophistication to their understanding of politics.

Do not be alarmed by simplification, complexity is often a device for claiming sophistication, or for evading simple truths.

Polo is a quintessentially English sport. It stands for quality and sophistication and is recognised all over the world as such.

All the cliches of glamorous sophistication have little appeal to me. Do I want to live the British version of 'Dynasty?' No thanks!

The expansion and sophistication of transnational crime represents one of the most dangerous threats we confront in the next millennium.

I know as a critic I'm required to have a well-armored heart. I must be a cynical wise guy to show my great sophistication. No pushover, me.

The true face of smoking is disease, death and horror - not the glamour and sophistication the pushers in the tobacco industry try to portray.

The great advantage of having a bear as a central character is that he can combine the innocence of a child with the sophistication of an adult.

With a woman of sophistication, class and modesty and refinement, I become a totally tongue-tied buffoon. I can't even look her straight in the face.

If you think of the typical Herbalife distributor and their level of sophistication, to this day I still don't understand the marketing plan - true story.

Big government inevitably drives an upward distribution of wealth to those whose wealth, confidence and sophistication enable them to manipulate government.

In other cases, when the medium becomes entranced, the demonstration of a communicator's separate intelligence may become stronger and the sophistication less.

There's a higher place that I have no illusions about reaching. There's a sophistication and aesthetic about composers who only write only for the music's sake.

To my mind and ear, there is simply nothing that compares to the musical sophistication of a late Beethoven, Bartok, Schubert or Brahms work for minimal forces.

The Internet keeps us constantly connected, and the increasing sophistication of mobile devices allows us much greater choice over when, how, and where we work.

I do like watches. I like the sophistication of it all. Like the whole thing behind collecting watches is very grown man-esque, so it makes me feel more an adult.

I see the level of sophistication and knowledge about business growing dramatically. Several decades ago, only a few companies thought about international business.

There's a level of sophistication of filmmaking that's mind-boggling. Anything you need for your movie, there's an establishment that can make it happen really fast.

I think Hefner himself wants to go down in history as a person of sophistication and glamour. But the last person I would want to go down in history as is Hugh Hefner.

When I decided to get married at 40, I couldn't find a dress with the modernity or sophistication I wanted. That's when I saw the opportunity for a wedding gown business.

The thing is that any sophistication I have, aesthetically, comes from 'Vogue' and 'Harper's Bazaar.' In the '60s, I never missed an issue, even if I had to steal to get them.

I was always intrigued by the idea of bringing things together that are considered taboo or risque and bringing them together with something of high elegance and sophistication.

I think, at least for me, I'm so impressed by Shanghai and how all of China continues to evolve. On a style level, you're seeing this increased sophistication and brand awareness.

I didn't have any sophistication. I didn't really have any great taste or anything like that. I was just a kid from Brooklyn. But what I learnt is the why, the how. The work ethic.

I've always been interested in a certain kind of sophistication in children's literature. I loved Roald Dahl; I loved the underlying nastiness of some of his - darkness of his tales.

The extreme sophistication of modern technology - wonderful though its benefits are - is, ironically, an impediment to engaging young people with basics: with learning how things work.

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