I'm a bisexual; I get it maybe twice a year.

I'm open to whatever people want to call me.

I think of myself as a freewheeling bisexual.

All great novels, all true novels, are bisexual.

I'm Anna Paquin. I'm bisexual and I give a damn.

I'm not bisexual, I'm tri-sexual. I try everything

I figured out I'm bisexual. I have sex twice a year.

I don't think there's anything wrong being a dreamer.

Bisexual? Me? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I'm not.

I think a lot of people who say they are bisexual aren't.

Lots of people think that bisexual means cowardly lesbian.

I think of myself as a freewheeling bisexual,' - Magnus Bane

I am not bisexual. I am not gay. I have never had sex with men.

Terrific. A bisexual dominant vampire with kidnapping expertise.

You know, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender - people are people.

Like a lot of women, I'm bisexual. Once I have sex with you - bye!

I wouldn't ever give myself the label bisexual, but bi-curious, yeah.

I'm not lesbian; I'm not bisexual; I'm not straight. I'm just curious.

I am not lesbian, I am not bisexual, I am not straight. I am just curious

I don't think there's anything wrong with being paternalistic as a company.

I think everybody has a bisexual nature. That's my theory. I could be wrong.

Homosexuality was invented by a straight world dealing with its own bisexuality.

I must be the luckiest man in the world. Not only am I bisexual, I am also Welsh.

I can honestly say that I am open to love in any way. I guess that makes me bisexual.

You can't use the fact that I'm bisexual against me if that's something I'm proud of.

In my experience the difference between a straight and a bisexual is about four pints

Apparently I’ve been typecast in science fiction: I’m a Russian bisexual telepathic Jew.

I think that probably, if I were 21 in this society, I would identify myself as a bisexual.

If I wouldn't have found Courtney, I probably would have carried on with a bisexual lifestyle.

Well, actually, I'm a bisexual lesbian in a man's body... but it's more complicated than that.

Virginia Woolf said that writers must be androgynous. I'll go a step further. You must be bisexual.

Before you echo 'Amen' in your home or place of worship, think and remember...a child is listening.

Alan Carr is an out and proud gay man but there isn't a famous bisexual equivalent - it's a lot rarer.

People don't become gay, bisexual, pansexual, transexual. People just fall in love with another person.

Because our society is so polarized between homosexuals and heterosexuals, the bisexual closet has two doors.

We went sailing one time, and he wore a Speedo, and any smart woman should know that means bisexual at least.

For many years I thought I was bisexual. And then I would ask myself, 'What is bisexual? Does that even exist?'

Being bisexual, being bipolar, being biracial - it's been used to define me, but I am desperate to be indefinable.

So are you bisexual?” I had asked, and Todd had laughed at my insistence on label. “I guess I'm bipossible,” he had said.

I think of myself as a freewheeling bisexual," added Magnus. "Please never say those words in front of my parents," said Alec.

A lot of people told me I should be quiet about being bisexual and not say anything, but for me this is a part of my identity.

Straight people say, 'You know you're just gay,' and gay people say, 'You know you're just gay.' There is such a thing as bisexual!

I've been kind of toying around with the bi thing in my head. I wouldn't ever give myself the label 'bisexual,' but bi-curious? Yea.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender teens are bullied and ostracized in epidemic proportions. It's disgusting, and it must change.

It's true - I am a bisexual. But I can't deny that I've used that fact very well. I suppose it's the best thing that ever happened to me.

A lot of my peer group think I'm an eccentric bisexual, like I may even have an ammonia-filled tentacle somewhere on my body. That's okay.

[...] elite social engineers appear to be aiming at a "hetero-homo" world, i.e. where individuals are bisexual, promiscuous and bereft of family.

Now it wasn’t just that Xena was bisexual and kinda liked her gal pal and they kind of fooled around sometimes, it was ‘Nope, they’re married, man.'

Cross-dressing is more of a set of actions or behaviors and not synonymous with gender identity (straight, gay, bisexual, transgender, among others).

Everyone has people in their lives that are gay, lesbian or transgender or bisexual. They may not want to admit it, but I guarantee they know somebody.

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