A gentleman is often seen, but very seldom heard to laugh.

Well, gentlemen, life's just one damn thing after another.

Gentlemen who prefer bonds don't know what they're missing.

He whom we call a gentleman is no longer the man of Nature.

Gentlemen, I am tormented by questions; answer them for me.

Ladies and gentlemen, communism didn't fall. It was pushed.

Questioning is not the mode of conversation among gentlemen.

Gentlemen, for the first 60 feet that was a hell of a pitch.

The Pall Mall Gazette is written by gentlemen for gentlemen.

The gentleman will sit! The gentleman is correct in sitting!

A gentleman is a man who is only rude when he intends to be.

Ladies and gentlemen, the great number seven, Mickey Mantle.

A real gentleman is as polite to a little girl as to a woman.

I think the boxing game is supposed to be a gentleman's sport.

These, Gentlemen, are the opinions upon which I base my facts.

I believe you should be a gentleman, and that's old-fashioned.

A gentleman is someone who never gives offense unintentionally.

Gentlemen and maidens in this general vicinity, how doth it go?

This gentleman here, Michael Hussey, is just an absolute freak.

It is the mark of a gentleman to be moderate in the use of wine.

The code of the knight is still the code of the gentleman today.

Smile, but not for long, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Patriarchy.

A ploughman on his legs is higher than a gentleman on his knees.

All I want is a gentleman. I'm sick to bloody death of bastards.

The gentleman prefers to be slow in word but diligent in action.

A true gentleman makes demands upon himself but not upon others.

A gentleman is any man who wouldn't hit a woman with his hat on.

Nothing like trapping the gentlemen where they couldn't get away.

Tobacco is the opiate of the gentleman, the religion of the rich.

He became an officer and a gentleman, which is an enviable thing.

A gentlemen is one who never strikes a woman without provocation.

He's no kind of gentleman. That's all right. I'm no kind of lady.

A gentleman is calm and spacious: the vulgar are always fretting.

There are no gentlemen in anything competitive - you want to win.

Gentleman-rankers out on the spree, damned from here to Eternity.

Most gentlemen don't like love, they just like to kick it around.

Ice-T was just a pleasure to work with. He was a smart gentleman.

Ice T was just a pleasure to work with. He was a smart gentleman.

The more you act like a lady, the more he'll act like a gentleman.

A gentleman would be ashamed should his deeds not match his words.

We have only one rule here - to act like a gentleman at all times.

Consider your honour, as a gentleman, of more weight than an oath.

Gentlemen, we have run out of money. It is time to start thinking.

A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out.

The gentleman desires to be halting in speech but quick in action.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your magnificent indifference.

A gentleman is someone who knows how to play the banjo and doesn't.

Gentlemen, a depression is for capitalism like a good, cold douche.

I am myself a gentleman of the press, and have no other escutcheon.

He is a gentleman; I am a gentleman's daughter; so far we are equal.

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