The press is the enemy.

Can I press one for English?

We are complete press sluts.

I want to see an honest press.

I get along fine with the press.

I don't want to be in the press.

Maybe you should just press the button

Desire presses ever forward unsubdued.

You have mosquitoes. I have the Press.

I'm not that great with press sometimes.

You have never had fair press in America.

With a free press comes a responsibility.

I have sleepless nights before press days.

I'm not afraid of the press or the Militia.

With the press there is no "off the record.

I truly have a love-hate thing with the press.

I enjoy the press. I understand their business.

Relationships are the key element to Press & PR

A free press doesn't mean it's not a tame press.

The press is, almost without exception, corrupt.

I never mind doing press; it's never bothered me.

I don't even like being quoted in a press release.

I don't talk about my personal life with the press.

The white press itself created civil right leaders.

The country is not priest-ridded, but press-ridden.

I am so mad at the press I could just strangle them!

They (the press) have a hatred of Manchester United.

At times people in the press were also useful to me.

I don't want to find myself designing for the press.

I'm not someone who plays a part for the press junket.

I never used the press for anything except my charity.

The poor Oscars - they always get slammed in the press.

The press was to serve the governed, not the governors.

I press to my centre, and find there is something there.

If the press descended, the science would surely suffer.

I want to have a great open relationship with our press.

Populists have never had a good press in Freedom's land.

The only time you have a free press is when you own one.

It is unhealthy to marinate in your own press clippings.

If ever the public was betrayed by its press, it's ours.

The press doesn't matter as much like it used to matter.

The press seems to love pitting women against each other.

The press is impotent when it abandons itself to falsehood.

The corporatization of the press really has hurt the press.

The military has a very prickly relationship with the press.

Glance backward, look heavenward, reach outward, press onward

Press on! Don't let yourselves be robbed of hope. Understood?

Because this is the way things are meant to be.(Press Tilton)

I was hired to be an actress, not a personality for the press.

I can't deal with the press; I hate all those Beatles questions.

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