Business is a cobweb of human relationships

All human relationships must be purchased with money.

Human relations, I mess them up, and they let me down.

I don't make romantic films. I make films about human relationships.

Business, after all, is nothing more than a bunch of human relationships.

There are times when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship.

I ultimately want to contribute something toward bettering human relations.

Foreign policy is like human relations, only people know less about each other.

You don't need human relationships to be happy, God has placed it all around us.

Noir is a court of human relations, and some crimes are beyond legal restitution.

It is not until you have the courage to engage in human relationships that you grow.

We can't all be friends and relatives as the world is; most of us have to be strangers.

I'm fascinated with human relationships. I advocate the relationship you have with yourself.

My life has been enriched by excellent human relations, work and interests. I have never felt lonely.

Well, the thing that I learned as a diplomat is that human relations ultimately make a huge difference.

Perhaps that's what all human relationships boiled down to: Would you save my life? or would you take it?

I play around with human things, human relationships and that, and allow that kind of talk to work in that way, on that level.

If our love for each other really is participatory, then all other human relationships nourish it; it is inclusive, never exclusive.

All of life and human relations have become so incomprehensibly complex that, when you think about it, it becomes terrifying and your heart stands still.

I have enjoyed the personal use of money; but I have gotten the greatest satisfaction from using it to advance my beliefs in human relations, human values.

When we describe human relations, we usually make them better than they are: gentle, peaceful, and so forth, whereas in reality, they are often competitive.

Human relations are built on feeling, not on reason or knowledge. And feeling is not an exact science; like all spiritual qualities, it has the vagueness of greatness about it.

We tried war, we tried aggression, we tried intervention. None of it works. Why don't we try peace, as a science of human relations, not as some vague notion - as everyday work.

The truth has never been of any real value to any human being - it is a symbol for mathematicians and philosophers to pursue. In human relations kindness and lies are worth a thousand truths.

I am a profound pessimist both about life and about human relations and about politics and ecology. Humans are inadequate and stupid creatures who sooner or later make a mess, and those who are trying to do good do a lot more damage than those who are muddling along.

The day is not far off when the economic problem will take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be occupied or reoccupied, by our real problems - the problems of life and of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion.

Personal power gives you a sense of accomplishment. It enables you to live fully and zestfully. It provides you with a mature reason for liking yourself better. To state it another way, it is the mark of a healthy and well-adjusted individual to seek self-advancement by mastering his human relations.

If I were able to write, I probably would. But movies have given me a part of my life where I can express feelings and bring convictions to an audience as if I could write. So I made 'Gandhi' about human relations, prejudice and the empire. In 'Cry Freedom' I expressed my horror and disgust about apartheid.

In some ways, in the U.S. we don't know how to be. I think in a lot of ways America is about liberation and about change and progressive human relations. And because of that, I feel like that we're confused about who we're supposed to be and what it is that's supposed to satisfy us and make us feel fulfilled.

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