I'm living a fairy tale.

Every Hermes scarf has a tale.

Trust the tale, not the teller.

I love fairy tale retellings and mash-ups.

Of an old tale which every schoolboy knows.

'The Handmaid's Tale' will blow people away.

Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale.

'The Handmaid's Tale' is a very special story.

My life has been nothing short of a fairy tale.

To me, a fairy tale seems to have become reality.

My life is a fairy tale. You could not make it up.

Who tells a finer tale than any of us. Silence does.

Like everbody, I'm addicted to 'The Handmaid's Tale.'

'Star Wars' is more fairy tale than true science fiction.

Every man's life is a fairy tale written by God's fingers.

If you see the magic in a fairy tale, you can face the future.

Things aren't always the fairy tale that you thought they were.

History is nothing if not an epic tale of missed opportunities.

Seeing my parents makes me realise that life is not a fairy tale.

There are few joys to compare with the telling of a well-told tale.

I'd imagine my wedding as a fairy tale... huge, beautiful and white.

The tale of the actor struggling to make it is oft-told for a reason.

It's a beautiful tale, and today is a beautiful day without any bugs.

Whenever Disney asks if you want to do a fairy tale musical, you say yes.

Life is as tedious as twice-told tale, vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man.

My family is my little village. I really do feel like my fairy tale came true.

I always wanted the fairy tale, but now I want someone who is a great partner.

The mind's passion is all for singling out. Obscurity has another tale to tell.

We love a tale of heroes and villains and conflicts requiring a neat resolution.

The first game I actually bought myself with my own money was 'The Bard's Tale.'

Most writers are drawn to what is unknown, rather than what is clear in any tale.

As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.

Nobody has any conscience about adding to the improbabilities of a marvelous tale.

Maybe my fairy tale has a different ending than I dreamed it would. But that's OK.

Maybe it's a tired tale, but without an education, you're not going to go anywhere.

Having achieved and accomplished love... man... has become himself, his tale is told.

'The Handmaid's Tale' is a horrifying and horrifyingly possible vision of the future.

I'd love to do something like 'A Canterbury Tale,' because I love the English language.

When people ask me why is 'Winter's Tale' a fantasy, I point out that it is not a fantasy.

I want to be the best mum and I want everything to be perfect - I want a fairy tale really.

I'll sit down for 'Stranger Things' or 'The Handmaid's Tale' - or a really good documentary.

I think my favorite movie I watched with my dad would be 'A Knight's Tale' with Heath Ledger.

As cynical as I can be, there's always a part of me that believes in love and the fairy tale.

When I told my mom I was auditioning for 'The Handmaid's Tale,' she lost it. She was so excited.

I think Gov. Romney and Congressman Ryan are living in a fairly tale land on their energy policy.

No matter what you write, you actually can't help retelling a fairy tale somewhere along the way.

I was a great reader of fairy tales. I tried to read the entire fairy tale section of the library.

I never quite understood why Disney hadn't made a sincere fairy tale since 'Beauty and the Beast.'

What makes 'The Handmaid's Tale' so terrifying is that everything that happens in it is plausible.

'Sag Harbor' brought me a new readership - it's a coming of age tale about growing up in the '80s.

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