Fearlessness is the mother of reinvention.

I don't have to be logical - I'm a mother.

Instruct the mothers of the French people.

I was named after my mother's maiden name.

I have a daughter, she's twenty years old.

One cannot remember mother and forget God.

The orchid is Mother Nature's masterpiece.

I guess a man's best friend is his mother.

My mother's life was way too heavy for me.

My mother insisted that her children read.

I've raised my daughter with no television.

I look a lot like my father and his mother.

The kind of power mothers have is enormous.

My mother was my beauty icon my whole life.

My mother was a cleaning lady all her life.

My relationship with my mother is not cute.

Lets ignore our mothers' well-meant advice.

They think my mother's ashes are marijuana.

Perhaps it takes courage to raise children.

I always thought my mother was so damn cute!

Whistler,' Manet called. 'How's your mother?

When he is sick, every man wants his mother.

The mother-in-law is the centre of a family.

Mother and daughter like spoons in a drawer.

A threesome with a mother and her two twins.

Mother Mother Ocean, I have heard your call.

Mother Nature is a pretty good bioterrorist.

I love turning my daughter on to old movies.

A baby was sleeping, Its mother was weeping.

Persistence is the mother of personal change

You sacrificed for us - you're the real MVP.

If Im brave, 99% of it comes from my mother.

I cannot forget my mother, She is my bridge.

The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion.

My mother wanted me to be a concert pianist.

Who's a boy gonna talk to if not his mother?

Im like my mother, I stereotype. Its faster.

I was good at keeping my mother from crying.

Children are the anchors of a mother's life.

My mother was a very wise and strong person.

My mother was my best friend and confidante.

The Church is a mother, not an entrepreneur.

I think I was raised by a really good mother.

The desire to rule is the mother of heresies.

Father's Day just be Mother's Day the sequel.

Hunger is the mother of impatience and anger.

The mother's kiss is the sweetest thing ever.

Expectation is the mother of all frustration.

Being a mother is the role I'm most proud of.

Virtue and Happiness are Mother and Daughter.

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