I'm not overly greedy.

I try not to be overly analytical.

I didn't grow up overly privileged.

My upbringing wasn't overly comfortable.

I'd never be overly confident about anything.

Reality shows aren't for overly educated people.

I'm overly sentimental and don't throw things away.

I'm not overly focused on being loved by everybody.

I think was overly empathetic for a while in my life.

I think being an immigrant makes me overly optimistic.

I am overly ambitious, because I realize it can be done.

I was never interested in being an overly public person.

I was a very shy, overly big, kind of creepy-looking kid.

I tend to be overly responsible for other people's feelings.

There's a way to do networking that isn't overly brown-nosing.

I'm not easily wound up, but overly cynical people irritate me.

I feel for the overly thin women as I do for the overweight women.

I can't show false humility, nor be overly proud and ostentatious.

I think mankind is overly sensitive, very needy, greedy, and flawed.

I never found much comfort in overly organized religion of any sort.

There are a lot of people who are overly judgemental on the Internet.

I'm not an overly ambitious person; I don't feel like I have to excel.

Women don't want an overly feminine vehicle - they want to feel secure.

I'm a sensitive, sensitive person. Overly sensitive. Extremely emotional.

It's easier to be cynical and edgy and tough rather than overly emotional.

I try not to be overly nostalgic, and I don't use nostalgia to be kitschy.

I was bullied a lot... doing anything overly well was punished by the kids.

I definitely don't want to appropriate... not in an 'overly PC' way though.

I had to force myself not to be overly protective because I had lost one child.

I was lucky in the sense that I was never blessed with an overly reflective nature.

My 'I can' comes from confidence really, because I'm not an overly confident person.

I tend to be the type who is overly polite and sort of ingratiating to other people.

I didn't overly have friends in L.A. I would work and come home and watch television.

I know I sound overly optimistic, but you know me, I've always been an optimistic guy.

I was the third parent, growing up, and it did make me a very overly responsible adult.

I've been in showbusiness all my life, but as an actress I have never been overly driven.

I find when I'm overly concerned about what I eat, I stress out my body and put on weight.

Most of my friends aren't actors - and not one of them is overly impressed with what I do.

I think a lot of actors are overly concerned about being well liked in the parts they play.

I'd rather not ever make anything overly simple just because I'm scared people won't get it.

I could write an entertaining novel about rejection slips, but I fear it would be overly long.

Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying or getting overly angry or to maintain control.

I came from an anxious, overly intense East Coast academic family. That was the way of our tribe.

One way a collaboration can go wrong is if your connection is inauthentic or overly prescriptive.

It is during fertility that a female loses herself and enters that cloud overly rich in estrogen.

'Cool' is detached and emotionally cool. My instinct is to battle anything that seems overly cool.

I've got an overly developed sense of what selling out is, and I of course worry about it too much.

Computers and the Internet have made it really easy to rant. It's made everyone overly opinionated.

In a lot of aspects it's cooler that we don't have a lot of really overly famous people in the band.

Diane Kruger has a really chilled-out sense of style. It has a Parisian feel and isn't overly girly.

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