The first perk of theater is the girls.

It happens very rarely that your ears perk up about a certain project.

I don't care about money or fame or anything like that, but it would be a perk.

I enjoy doing new tunes. It gives me a little bit to perk up, to pay a little bit more attention.

OK, so I'm a working mom that also gets to kiss George Clooney. That's a little bit of a perk of the job.

If there's one perk, it's being the quarterback of America's team and being able to make a difference off the field.

I was a big, big fan of Jimmy Burton. Anything with him on, I used to perk up and listen to it over and over and over again.

The best perk of my job is getting to take products home. I mean, my bathroom looks like Sephora; like a clean, smaller Sephora.

Playing for the first time in Russia was wonderful, and it's a huge perk of the job to get to experience those different cultures.

The major perk of living in Brooklyn is that everything is there. If I did not want to leave Brooklyn, I could stay there the whole time.

I've been lucky to do the job I do because I've travelled, and that's probably the best perk of the job... well, that and the free lunches.

Even at my most depressed and low-functioning, as soon as you put another person in the room with me, I would perk up and be happy to see them.

The alarm rings 4:45, again at 5, but I wake up 4:30 naturally. Shower, shave, orange juice, perk my own coffee, hear the news, and the CBS car arrives 5:30.

I go on stage with what God gave me - and that's a natural high. I don't need nothing to perk me up. The audience picks me up enough. That's the total God's truth.

I love the idea of sharing some of what we find in the research phase with a select community of people early on as a perk for their donating, and then gauging their feedback.

If you can say something special on the guitar, then you're going to perk my ears up. But if you're just gonna run through all the scales, then I can always find something else to listen to.

As an HR Manager, you don't have to build a top-down perks program. You decide how much you want to invest in your employees, and then you give your employees the control to build a custom perk package for themselves.

I was able to lean on people for favors and things to help out because their budget was so low. It was half of what John Travolta's perk package is on a film. Our whole budget was half of what his staff makes on a film.

I want to go to Harry Potter Land! I actually should text Emma Watson to see if she can hook us up with a backstage pass or something. That's the perk of doing a movie with Emma called 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.'

Gavin DeGraw - his first record is the reason that I wanted to start writing music. The way that he says something that everybody says on a regular basis but he says it differently. It makes you kind of perk up and listen.

When you tell people you're a playwright, their eyes sort of glaze over. But when you say you write the 'Fantastic Four' or 'Spider-Man,' they perk up. It's a touchstone that has gained more credibility as artistic expression.

I grew up watching Salman Khan and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who have always juggled fitness with acting. In real life, I'm a fitness freak. Besides, it is nice to look at an actor who is fit, and if you become a role model, that's a perk.

I don't mean being famous is a perk, because one knows that it's not necessarily a perk, but there are certain perks to being well-known and respected in one's field. Public perks. Like, I don't know, general friendliness and willingness to please, just to point out two.

If it wasn't for Kenny Rogers, I don't think I would be in country music. He was that guy when I was a kid - his music and 'Hee Haw' made me perk my ears up and made me say, 'What is this? I want to hear more of that.' He was that catalyst for me to start this whole run in country music.

I never let people see me without makeup. And it's not an insecurity thing. The perk of being a girl is being able to wear makeup and dress up. It's another artistic outlet. And the 45 minutes it takes me to get ready... is very therapeutic for me. It's hard to start my day without that.

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