My favorite movies are love stories.

My favorite movies are from the '70s.

'Fargo' is one of my favorite movies.

One of my favorite movies is 'Paper Moon.'

'Terminator' is one of my favorite movies.

One of my favorite movies is The Little Foxes.

'Cool-Hand Luke' is one of my favorite movies.

'Girl, Interrupted' is one of my favorite movies.

One of my favorite movies of all time is 'Fargo.'

Legends of the Fall' is one of my favorite movies.

One of my favorite movies is 'Back to the Future'.

'Top Gun' was one of my favorite movies growing up.

'Starman' was one of my favorite movies growing up.

One of my favorite movies is 'Broadway Danny Rose.'

'Kill Bill' is one of my favorite movies of all time.

'The Philadelphia Story' is one of my favorite movies.

'The Shining' is one of my favorite movies of all time.

A lot of my favorite movies come from nuggets of truth.

'Boy' is one of my top-five favorite movies of all time.

One of my favorite movies of all time is 'Bugsy Malone.'

One of my favorite movies as a kid was 'Mrs. Doubtfire.'

'The Princess Bride' is one of my favorite movies of all time.

'Forrest Gump' has been one of my favorite movies of all time.

My two favorite movies are 'Coming to America' and 'Boomerang'.

The movie 'Black Cat,' from 1934, is one of my favorite movies.

All my favorite movies are somebody else's least favorite movie.

One of my favorite movies is 'A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints.'

I loved 'Clueless.' That was one of my favorite movies of all time.

I love strange things; my favorite movies are weird, eclectic, and intriguing.

'The Philadelphia Story' is one of my favorite movies, as is 'Bringing Up Baby.'

Still one of my favorite movies is the original 'The Haunting.' I love that style.

I love 'Shattered Glass.' It's one of my favorite movies. I think it's just brilliant.

I grew up in the '80s. I was a kid, but all my favorite movies came out of that period.

'Jolly LLB' is one of my favorite movies. Courtroom films are rare to come by in Telugu.

I'd like to do a romantic comedy like 'Notting Hill,' which is one of my favorite movies.

My favorite movies are from directors that have a vision, like Wes Anderson or Tim Burton.

The movies I was scared by at three or four are now some of my favorite movies of all time.

You can map your life through your favorite movies, and no two people's maps will be the same.

You know, one of my favorite movies that inspired me and got me started was 'Dead Poet's Society.'

My favorite movies are 'The Notebook,' 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,' and 'Wolf Children.'

My favorite thing about movies is the ending, and so all my favorite movies have really great endings.

Paul Newman made eight of my favorite movies. He chose a certain kind of movie I really identified with.

My favorite movies are gory horror films. I love Faulkner. I wanted to see the most painful things possible.

I'm a big fan of 'The Last Dragon' - Bruce Leroy and Sho'nuff - that's one of my favorite movies growing up.

My dad would take me deer hunting with him, which was pretty traumatic - 'Bambi' was one of my favorite movies.

Scary movies are one of my favorite movies to watch and I've loved scary movies since I was like three years old.

'Tropic Thunder' is one of my favorite movies of all time. 'Blazing Saddles.' Anything that will get me to smile.

'Hook' was one of my favorite movies when I was growing up, so we played with that theme on the title 'Never Land.'

I like movies with superheroes - one of my favorite movies of all time was 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.'

'White Christmas' is one of my favorite movies, so I've always just had a love for that kind of golden era musical.

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