I was in detention a lot.

I defend non-criminal detention.

Detention without trial is history in Malaysia.

I used to spend every morning in detention at my old school.

During the days in detention, I thought most about the moon.

I was quite capable at school, but I spent a lot of time in detention.

I first heard Pantera after getting out of a detention center as a kid.

I wasn't a very well-behaved girl. I was often in detention for impertinence.

A period of detention in a chilly upstate facility can be a great attitude adjuster.

Nobody should be sent indefinitely into detention; everybody should have their day in court.

There is nothing more foreign to a civilised and democratic system than preventive detention.

I've been to Villawood Detention Centre in Sydney and it's all barbed wire, it's like a big jail.

I was a prefect at school, I never had a tattoo, got a detention or pierced my ears more than once.

No one has ever escaped from Guantanamo Bay. It is by far the most secure detention facility in the world.

I was not involved and am not involved in the questions about the rules governing detention of combatants.

The tragic conditions at detention facilities are the result of an intense surge in migration across the border.

I went to an all-girls school in a uniform and always got detention for wearing colorful boxer shorts under my kilt.

I used to trip over my legs and get detention for my too-short shorts because none fit. I still trip, but now I like to show them off.

The global movement of displaced people, many of whom end up in detention without hope, is one of the most pressing issues of our times.

My church is in the detention facilities where I preside and celebrate the Eucharist. To me that's the church. That's the people of God.

Detention cells in Hong Kong are not pleasant. In Thailand they are even worse. In Hong Kong you are at least allowed to see your lawyers.

I am absolutely certain that my unlawful detention by the Thai authorities was motivated by their fear of youth movements around the world.

Working in a juvenile detention center, being a probation officer for at-risk youths, I'll do something like that. Something nice and stable.

Under many current state laws, minors who have been victims of trafficking are charged as criminals and go to juvenile detention as offenders.

In the years just after 9/11, even being breathed on by a suspected terrorist could land you in extralegal detention for the rest of your life.

I was born and raised in the south side of Stockton, California, to a mother still in high school and a father in a juvenile detention facility.

Gang members aren't frightened into acceptable behavior by increased penalties, enhanced punishments, and the promise of new detention facilities.

I would hope that the staffs at juvenile detention centers and reform schools are carefully chosen so that there is a community of support and hope.

When I was younger, I had pink underneath my hair, and I got detention. I went to an all-girls school where you wore a uniform, and pink hair was not OK.

Without territory, it does not even have the resources to provide detention facilities for prisoners, even if it were interested in holding captured POWs.

I have traveled to GTMO and have seen the honorable and professional behavior of the American men and women in uniform who serve at the detention facility.

I went to public school, elementary through high school. I went to homecoming, to football games, pep rallies, I got detention, I got an F. I've done it all.

I've always had a penchant for dialects. I remember getting detention and being told, 'Have a think about where doing these funny voices might get you someday.'

I have this bookmark with glued-on macaroni. I made it in the fourth grade while in detention for giving a girl a tattoo using two rocks rubbed together and a stick.

I've always loved the genre of virus movies or Armageddon movies - anything that involves being trapped with the cute boy in detention when the zombies are attacking.

I was something of a prankster. One time I put a ski mask on my head and used a fake gun on the school secretary so that I could get some of my friends out of detention.

I wouldn't exactly describe 'Detention' as a horror movie. I mean, it does have horror elements in it, but it's got a lot more to it, and it's not a typical horror movie.

We opposed unlimited detention without trial. We stood up for trial by jury as well. And of course we spoke up for asylum seekers and for the most vulnerable in our society.

The detention of Japanese Americans during World War II would qualify as an example of majoritarian tyranny and misuse of executive prerogative, driven by fear and racial bias.

Guantanamo Bay is a first-rate detention facility that's kept terrorists off the battlefield and kept America safe. It's critical role in our national security cannot be overstated.

The pro-life, pro-family Republicans are now pro-neonatal detention and deportation. It isn't enough to drive out the people not born here; now they want to drive out the ones that were.

Most of my teachers didn't like me. I didn't get good grades because I pretty much lived at the public access studio. I tried to be the class clown, so I spent a lot of time in detention.

Created specifically to house the world's most dangerous terrorists, the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay is designed to keep both American personnel and the detainees safe and secure.

The Nauru files lifts the secrecy surrounding Australia's hidden detention regime for asylum seekers through vivid reporting and the words of the guards and officials on the island themselves.

I used to draw cartoons of my teachers which used to get passed around the class and I'd always wind up getting caught which often meant detention. But they sometimes said the drawings were good!

We're a country that allowed waterboarding and indefinite detention, and we're a country where the NYPD Intelligence Division has police files on what Muslims think of the State of the Union address.

Arresting and detaining these dangerous people can make sense, at least until a final decision is reached on their deportation. However, such detention must always be subject to time limits and court review.

When a government forcibly holds enough people indefinitely without trial, it evokes the kinds of raids, detention, and abuses of power associated with authoritarian states - or darker periods in American history.

Lost in the often-vitriolic national quarrel over immigration reform is any examination of proposed measures that would result in excessive punishment, such as detention and deportation, for the most minor offenses.

Now that private prison companies have found that they can make a killing on mass incarceration, these private prison companies are now in the business of building detention centers for suspected illegal immigrants.

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