I don't know too many people that are good at timing the market relative to macro-economic events.

If you haven't had a major fail in your career - face-plant level - you aren't trying hard enough.

I prefer the word "engagement." Instead of empowerment, it's enabling women to engage in business.

It has become dramatically clear that the foundation of corporate integrity is personal integrity.

The short version is I'm just a total Apple fanboy. I started programming Apples in seventh grade.

High expectations and belief in people leads to high performance so very often belief creates fact.

Stop hoping for a promotion that's not coming. Instead, start a business at which you want to work.

I believe in the First Amendment. But I also believe we should be mindful of how other people feel.

One of the things that's important about family is the narrative history they create for themselves.

The single biggest reason companies fail is they overinvest in what is, as opposed to what might be.

There is a disconnect between the performance in stock market and the performance in many companies.

What goes down usually goes back up, if you're willing to be patient and don't hit the panic button.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the heroes were the long-term investors; today the heroes are the wise guys.

Environmental concern is a phenomena that tends to rise in a nation after a certain level of wealth.

I tried to push him away with my head. I apologise to everyone. I should not have got involved in it.

Evolution happens. There's no football team in the world that has stayed together for time ever more.

I've got a temper if I need it. Nothing wrong with losing your temper, if it's for the right reasons.

The Indian banking industry has always been full of competition, and there is enough room for growth.

What is important for a leader is that you walk in a stable manner in your own shoes and do not trip.

Facebook has focused on the conversation, but not really on absorbing the Web into its walled garden.

The days of CEOs getting rich while shareholders lose has got to end. Management must be accountable.

I know Eric Schmidt, and he has different political views from mine. But I think he's a terrific guy.

The ability to create same day straight through processing of mutual fund trades is a matter of will.

My fantasy is to break up the big banks. I wish we would end 'too big to fail' in our banking system.

Global stocks bottomed in June 1921, but global economies didn't hit bottom for fully two more years.

We definitely stand behind Theranos in the sense of, we are an investor, and we want them to succeed.

Jose [Mourinho] was one of those guys on a surfboard who can stay longer on the wave than anyone else.

I think India's growth itself will give opportunities for Indian banks to become substantially bigger.

What's important is that we see each year what the opportunities are, and make use of the opportunity.

Business models that are relevant today are not relevant tomorrow and were not in existence yesterday.

Organizational structures of today demand too much from a few, and not much at all from everyone else.

Both cheap value stocks and more glamorous growth stocks can work well in a portfolio - if done right.

The balance between confidence and humility is best learned through extensive experience and mistakes.

Whoever your boss is, or your bosses are, they have 20 percent of their job that they just don't like.

He is improving all the time. He is only 21 and who knows what he is capable of. (on Cristiano Ronaldo)

I have always said that a bank's lending rates do not only depend on rate cuts - it is just one signal.

If you are not willing to take pain to live by your principles, there is no point in having principles.

Art is a form of asset. Hedge-fund managers who have made money fast should diversify into other areas.

Watching the Dodgers perform at a really high level is a nice reminder to us as to how high the bar is.

Distinguish between power and control, delegate, be decisive - and always remember people's first names.

I tried it 100 or a million times it couldn't happen again. If I could, I would have carried on playing.

My belief is India's banking industry will continue to grow at two and a half times the GDP growth rate.

You have to handle the challenges and emerge stronger from them, rather than allow them to bog you down.

Traditional credentialing really doesn't have a lot of predictive value to if people will be successful.

To gain customer insights, we must understand that we are prisoners of what we know and what we believe.

I love what's going on these days with these powerful women who are really working to make a difference.

I hated being a junior investment banker. I loved the research business, the wealth management business.

I want to thank everyone who has ever put on a Cubs uniform and anyone who has ever rooted for the Cubs.

In the long term the most important question for a company is not what you are but what you are becoming.

Lower taxes, less regulations, less lawsuits, deals that support U.S. manufacturers is all very positive.

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