You knew LeBron James was going to be LeBron James when he was a sophomore.

The mainstream thinks that every skateboarder aspires to be in the X Games.

Life is one of Gods greatest Journeys, But Death is the next great Adventure.

I spent five years in prison, a free man for the first time in my whole life.

There's an intrinsic value in creating something for the sake of creating it.

I wanted to turn pro at like 12 years old when I was riding for Bones Brigade.

Every time somebody calls me out or tries to start something, it's motivation.

It's better to go out like a man, trying, than to play it safe and get second.

I wanted to promote skateboarding as much as possible through different media.

It is better to live in a world of poetic meaning rather than hardcore reality.

I'll always have my skate life, but I absolutely like the fun of making movies.

The biggest obstacle to creativity is breaking through the barrier of disbelief.

Don't let anything poison your individuality. Break away & look in, not outward.

No one gives you anything in life. You gotta work hard and go after it to get it.

Do what you love and try not to look at what other people occupy themselves with.

I know exactly what I'm doing when I'm doing a trick. I really hate it when I fail.

Definitely before hanging out with a chick, I make sure everything is to my liking.

Respect the building blocks, master the fundamentals, and the potential is unlimited

The degree to which we connect to a community is in proportion to our individuality.

I'm not going to beat somebody up for talking smack to me, especially another skater.

Most of my friends are skaters or were skaters at one time, so they obviously relate.

I quit high school the first day of 10th grade because I felt like I was wasting time.

When I got sponsored, it symbolized a major change and a major shift in skateboarding.

The serious professional skateboarder doesn't have a job. They get paid enough not to.

You build something but you cant live in the house because you sit around guarding it.

Seeing people get messed up never gets un-funny! And there's plenty of ways to do that.

Everything that I'm really about is being an individualist. I believe in individuality.

As a professional skateboarder, I can't look at anyone getting hurt - it freaks me out.

I'm a regular at a hospital in Pennsylvania. The Riddle Hospital in Media, Pennsylvania.

Hopefully, kids realize you can do anything you want. Skateboarding can be that gateway.

I always think it's weird when guys come up to me and say that their girlfriends love me.

Actually, I've always wanted to be a professional skateboarder ever since I was about six.

If I weren't skateboarding, I'd love to race cars. I like anything that's fast and active.

I shave my body probably once a week, maybe twice a week on the arms, just to keep it fresh.

All I care about is that people remember me as a good skater, as someone who was innovative.

Skateistan's not just about skating. It’s giving people life skills and hope for the future.

I feel like the best thing, as far as what I do with kids, is I treat them like human beings.

The reality of professional skateboarding contests is that they're not relevant in our world.

You didn't quit skateboarding because you got old, you got old because you quit skateboarding.

If you really want a career in professional skateboarding,you really got to stop pushing mongo.

Sure things are going to get sketchy, but when your having the time of your life whats sketchy?

I love the Lord with my life and through that love, I walk the walk, I don't just talk the talk.

These trees and these old people have one thing in common, they're both going in the ground soon!

I think that things are poetic when they don't have a boundary. Without rules. My life is poetic.

For me, part of one my big movements is building authentic street environments for skateboarding.

These trees and these old people have one thing in common - they're both going in the ground soon!

When you're drunk, you always think you're not. If you even drink at all don't get behind the wheel.

In life some people trip and some fall but some take that trip and make a beautiful dance out of it.

My whole life has been the skate life. I don't really remember doing anything besides skateboarding.

I barely ever watch TV, but when I do, I usually only watch MTV shows, like 'The Real World Sydney.'

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