You don't know where life's gonna take you. Sometimes it takes you getting carried out of a club and then into a booth as an apology for it.

Every kid wants to reach their goals in life and be the best. During my Bruce Lee phase, I wanted to be the best martial artist in the world.

If I liked an idea, even slightly, I would throw some money at it. I've had a lot of random things not work out that people don't know about.

Just skate for fun, don't pick up a skateboard because you want to be a pro one day. Don't forget why you started skating in the first place.

Most snarky critics had their minds set before ever seeing/playing the game. I'm proud of what we created; it's innovative, responsive & fun.

When skateboarding hit, I wanted to be best skateboarder in the world, and I fought for it, there was nothing that was going to get in my way.

When I am on my board, I always have my ID, ChapStick and maybe a $20 bill, because you never know when you'll need to buy a water or something.

If I can stand up when I'm 80, I'll be happy to cruise around on a skateboard. If I feel like my skills are fading, I just won't do it publicly.

Technology has allowed me to reach my fans directly. Social media: it has been a complete revolution of how to interact, promote and share things.

If you go out there and your main purpose is to get a sponsor, then it's not gonna work. Just go out there and have fun. That's how I got sponsored.

I kind of just put my boards together wherever I feel comfortable that day. It could be on the kitchen table, on the ground, on the couch, wherever.

I love everything I do and I can still remember the days of cashing my first royalty check for $2. I have such a great life, I'm proud of everything.

Skateboarding for me is a whole lot different for me than before the TV fame, if you will, because going out in the street is a little bit different.

For those that say I endanger my child: it's more likely that you will fall while walking on the sidewalk than I will while skating with my daughter.

I'm always trying to figure out ways to one up everyone, and that's what I love about competitions. I love challenging myself and pushing the envelope.

The way I look at tricks is if I really have my mind set on one, I'm going to learn it until I can do it 10 or 20 times in a row. I want to perfect it.

There are some key elements to business being a success, and that's a smart visionary and great management behind the people that are going to build it.

Being different is awesome! All of those who are different are more interesting than those who are clamoring for acceptance because they follow the path.

There are endorsements I regret taking when I was younger and didn't know any better. But I didn't have options then. People weren't knocking on my door.

I am so grateful to everybody that supports the Sheckler Foundation, and gives us the ability to continue to help kids and injured action sports athletes.

I had people telling me I was the best and when it would sink in, I'd feel like I'd have to push things further, otherwise I wasn't worthy of their praise.

One of the best things to me about 'Skate' is that if you play this game from beginning to end, you just got a complete education on what skateboarding is.

No one can tell me what to do on my skateboard. My skateboard is my safe spot. I can learn tricks, I can have fun, I can do whatever I want on my skateboard.

I love snowboarding, but I would never want to do it competitively or at a professional level. Snowboarding is a spawn of skating, and skating is my passion.

I always try to individualize everything, every person. I see individuals and that's why I've never fallen for racism, or any type or classification of people.

My definition of success is doing what you love. I feel many people do things because they feel they have to, and are hesitant to risk following their passion.

I've been all around the world, and there will be a thousand kids crying out your name, and it's such a weird, visceral experience. It's like, it's disorienting.

Gerry Lopez was a famous surfer back then and his board had a lightning bolt in the in the middle, so my Dad made me a surf/skateboard with a lightning bolt on it.

I missed a lot of good times, doing things that I shouldn't have been doing. There are certain mistakes I'd like to change, but I'm not going to trip on it to hard.

Never undervalue the idea of partners. Understanding your strengths and then going out trying to find like-minded people who will be another pillar of your success.

In ramp skating, theres this guy Alex Perelson whos really coming into his own and doing some amazing new stuff we havent seen before. Just different types of spin.

I'm having a blast using the gifts and talents that God has given me as a platform to minister to people and love them and shine the light that He wants me to shine.

I started skateboarding at around age 10, and enjoyed the artistic aspect of it as much as the sporting aspect, so for me it was more of an art form and a lifestyle.

Sometimes when you're with somebody, and all their stuff is at your house, it's so hard to break up with them. You don't know what they're going to wreck and destroy.

I love the fact that there is now a skate park in almost every city, but it will always have a rebellious/underground edge to it because it is based on individuality.

I feel like skateboarding is as much of a sport as a lifestyle, and an art form, so there's so much that that transcends in terms of music, fashion, and entertainment.

In ramp skating, there's this guy Alex Perelson who's really coming into his own and doing some amazing new stuff we haven't seen before. Just different types of spin.

Justin Bieber, I love to death. He's such a cool, ridiculous, much crazier kid in real life - more than he's really allowed to be, because he's a Unicorn and very rare.

If someone told me I had to give back, or I'm supposed to give back, or I'm supposed to do these things, I would reject that. My actions are those of valuing and caring.

I think skateboarding is hugely challenging - it teaches you self-confidence, it teaches you self-motivation, and it can be something that helps you throughout your life.

I'm living with every step. I can't live with regret. The past is the past. I'm not worried about it. I can't change it. I can't fix it. It is what it is. I'm just living.

When I started skating, it was such a small community. You didn't aspire to be rich or famous or make a career out of it because that wasn't something anyone had done yet.

I can write anything and just put it in a zine, and then it's out there. It is like blogging but on paper. It is what I started to do before the computers were all popular.

Big decisions in my life have always come easy and are made without hesitation. It is easier for me to make a life-changing decision than to decide what to get for dessert.

Whatever sport you choose, do it because you love it, and don't expect to be an expert first thing. It takes time to do well at anything, but if you love it, you'll stick with it.

Learning a [skateboard] trick is kind of like a puzzle; you have to keep trying, and trying, and trying, and adapting and changing, and adapting and changing, and finally it works.

MTV has a been a great partner over the years. I'm truly grateful for the platform they've provided for me to create and refine compelling, entertaining media at the highest level.

The irony about selling out is that they only call you a sell-out when your stuff finally sells - I've had products bearing my name since I was 14, but nobody was buying them then.

When you've got videos up on Web sites that are literally shot the same day, the whole skate community knows right away when new tricks are invented or new techniques are available.

For me, skateboarding is a lifestyle. I really don't know anything different. My life revolves around skating. If I wasn't a professional skateboarder, I'd still be skating every day.

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