Autocratic power requires the degradation of moral authority - not the capture of moral high ground.

At home in Ireland, there's a habit of avoidance, an ironical attitude towards the authority figure.

Listen to authority figures because of their position, but only believe them if they can explain why.

Justice has taken its course and the authority and legitimacy of the legal process must be respected.

Only Congress has the authority to adequately and holistically address our broken immigration system.

My disposition as a human being is kind of a go-along-to-get-along person. I tend to trust authority.

We have to give value to authority. We have to give value to office, being in office, holding office.

I think having a healthy distrust of authority is a good thing, within certain parameters, obviously.

Modern intelligence won't accept anything on authority. But it will accept anything without authority.

Scientists and scholars should constitute themselves as an international NGO of exceptional authority.

Perhaps nothing in our society is more needed for those in positions of authority than accountability.

Authority has every reason to fear the skeptic, for authority can rarely survive in the face of doubt.

Scientists and scholars should constitute themselves as an international NGO of exceptional authority.

The verdict is still out on my life, the judge having not yet instructed the jury, both of whom are me.

Do I think it's OK to fight authority as long as you're only talking about the high school teacher? No.

The Hamas organization is unwilling to honor the obligations that the Palestinian Authority has signed.

God speaks with authority on every subject including marriage and His advice trumps Oprah's every time.

From where can your authority and license as a parent come from, when you who are old, do worse things?

I wasn't good with authority, went to lots of schools, didn't like the fact that there was no autonomy.

It was strange, how readily authority could be conjured with nothing but a bit of strutting jackassery.

They [the authorities] will act aggressively against anyone who has known me. That keeps me up at night.

The Liberals have been pressing for the brief on the basis of which he said there was authority for war.

Death is the sanction of everything the story-teller can tell. He has borrowed his authority from death.

Federal authorities do not have the manpower or the resources to protect America's international borders

Celebrity distorts democracy by giving the rich, beautiful, and famous more authority than they deserve.

Men use thought only as authority for their injustice, and employ speech only to conceal their thoughts.

The dead and past stories that I have told again in divers fashions, are not set down without authority.

I think I'm a natural-born leader. I know how to bow down to authority if it's authority that I respect.

If you think someone committed a crime, you should turn them in to whomever you perceive authority to be.

There must be an authority, and we believe that the most qualified authority in a household is the man's.

The Liberals have been pressing for the brief on the basis of which he said there was authority for war...

I know of few men over 50 that seem to me entirely human, virtually none who has long exercised authority.

If you want to plan a revolution, you never do it in public - the authorities show up and arrest everyone.

I was good at embarrassing authority. It was fun. There's a fearlessness that goes along with being a kid.

All progress in knowledge takes place through the correction of that which has been received on authority.

The authorities should stipulate what issues people can protest over and on what issues it is not allowed.

We are the only authority on what is good for us. Once we see this, we feel an enormous peace and freedom.

I didn't have any concept of age or authority. I remember realising, Oh, the world has rules and we don't.

In a nutshell-I fear authority but at the same time I resent it-the authority and my own fear. So I rebel.

Those who enjoy responsibility usually get it; those who merely like exercising authority usually lose it.

Regardless of your race, religion or political affiliation, never hesitate to question those in authority.

If it is not profitable for the common good that authority should be retained, it ought to be relinquished.

The state authorities have no place in the church of God, no right to control and persecute the conscience.

Power on the one side, fear on the other, are always the buttresses on which irrational authority is built.

It won't be a question of how well-trained or well-equipped the army is but one of the authority it serves.

I believed in God when cancer come to me. Now when I speak, I speak with authority because I've been there.

The state treasurer has authority to weigh in and take leadership roles on taxing and spending legislation.

There's definitely a fascination with crime stories and stories of characters acting out against authority.

We have one authority and one law and everyone has the responsibility to follow that law and that authority.

We have a responsibility to ensure the Palestinian Authority is abiding by U.S. law with total transparency.

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