We're more effective than birth control pills.

Doing comedy is one of the best gifts in life.

Even when I'm being funny, I'm deadly serious.

Comedy is what I really want to do and propel.

There is no off position on the genius switch.

I've predominantly done comedy over the years.

In movies, comedy and tragedy are all the same.

Comedy may be big business but it isn't pretty.

You can't have good comedy without drama in it.

There seems to be more comedy for comedy's sake

The real reason for comedy is to hide the pain.

'The David Letterman Show' is a show of comedy.

In this desperate way, I started many a comedy.

Madness isn't altogether a bad thing in comedy.

Great comedy calls large matters into question.

It's hard for me to even watch comedies I'm in.

I'm here today because I hated everything else.

I hate comedy. I don't even like comedy at all.

Comedy is tragedy that happens to other people.

Ladies Commit, There's A Wedding In It For You.

I don't hold any candle for drama versus comedy.

Being a family in general is a comedy of errors.

You're at the top of your game if you do comedy.

For me, comedy and drama are all the same thing.

You've got to be rich to have a swing like that.

I got into comedy so I could stay out all night.

I grew up watching British comedy on TV, really.

Comedy, your funny bone, is formed in childhood.

Life is tragic comedy, in a way. There is humor.

The bigger the audience, the better with comedy.

Comedy is truth. We should not apologize for it.

I've been doing comedies but I'm not a comedian.

I just like the joyous aspect of playing comedy.

Sometimes I wonder how I got into comedy at all.

I am a guy who talks about bacon and escalators.

Wisdom has never made a bigot, but learning has.

Theres nothing more difficult to do than comedy.

I changed the face of comedy. I used to be funny.

Making people laugh is the lowest form of comedy.

I chose to do comedy instead of going to college.

There's always been physical suffering in comedy.

Wherever comes man comes tragedy and comedy also.

My sense of stand up comedy would be so esoteric.

Only the most lucid can see their love as comedy.

I'm Dave Chappelle and I'm a chronic masturbator.

I am a big comedy fan, having been in 'Coupling.'

I'm doing comedy development at National Lampoon.

When I tried to hit puberty I swung and I missed.

I just want to be funny, I just want to do comedy.

Comedy always works best when it is mean-spirited.

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