Comedy is a group activity, a verbal orgy.

For a comedy to work, magic has to happen.

I was obsessed with being rich and famous.

If everyone is mature, there is no comedy.

Some weasel took the cork out of my lunch.

I got everybody on my side through comedy.

Comedy writers have the most fragile egos.

Wrestling was like stand-up comedy for me.

In comedy, my strengths are improvisation.

The comedy gods are smiling on me tonight.

I have always loved both drama and comedy.

I want to do dramas. I want to do comedies.

Awkwardness is such a gold mine for comedy.

We rest our case on the production numbers.

Dying's tough - but not as tough as comedy.

My first love is doing my own comedy stuff.

I actually enjoy comedy; it's a lot of fun.

I enjoy comedy but it can become wearisome.

Comedy becomes intensified in short scenes.

Doing a comedy is a bit different for girls.

Comedy is only funny when there's real pain.

To be honest, I don't know how comedy works.

I'm a huge comedy nerd. I have been forever.

I love good comedy. I don't like bad comedy.

When I was in college I did a lot of comedy.

Comedy and drama are both challenging to me.

Comedy is great because there's no overhead.

Apparently it's cool to watch The Daily Show.

I don't get a lot of romantic comedy scripts.

Comedy is nothing more than tragedy deferred.

For doing comedy, a sense of humor is a must!

I'd consider myself a flailing comedy writer.

Bureaucrats shouldn't be in charge of comedy.

Good comedy doesn't have to be a comedy idea.

Nothing like a great comedy. I love to laugh!

We all have faults, and mine is being wicked.

Ive predominantly done comedy over the years.

Comedy pays the bills if I can't find a film.

I really enjoy comedy. It's a real challenge.

I love comedy. God has given me this platform.

Comedy wasn't something I chose - it chose me.

Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious.

Kids are wonderful, but I like mine barbecued.

Comedy is hard. Any idiot can have an opinion.

I was a huge fan of comedy when I was a child.

"I got up early because I wanted to." - Nobody

Do you know what the key to comedy is? Timing.

The human comedy begins with a vertical smile.

You have a ready wit. Tell me when it's ready.

I would like a comedy. A comedy would be nice.

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