Success is the enemy of comedy.

I like comedy as a group sport.

You know, I'm a big comedy fan.

I actually see comedy in death.

Murder is easy. Comedy is hard.

I'm the Forrest Gump of comedy.

We're Mexi-cans not Mexi-can'ts.

Fear is what makes comedy funny.

Most comedy comes out of misery.

I get all of my comedy from CNN.

How the hell do you wake up dead?

This world is a comedy, not Life.

I love mixing horror with comedy.

Comedy is the ultimate anarchist.

I must have a drink of breakfast.

I fart in your general direction.

You can't do comedy with a beard.

Comedy unites, it doesn't divide!

The only weapon I've got is comedy

I'm comedy's forgotten nearly man.

I am desperate to do a comedy now.

I feel more comfortable in comedy.

You exaggerate your own reactions.

I'm too self-serious for a comedy.

The only weapon we have is comedy.

I don't have a stack of scripts...

I only got into comedy to get laid

There is a universality to comedy.

It's hard to write a comedy sketch.

Dave! Relax! Close your buttcheeks!

My comedy is romanticized laziness.

I've actually done a lot of comedy.

I don't think comedy will ever die.

I started doing comedy in a church.

My background is in musical comedy.

I still want to do a comedy series.

All comedy comes from a dark place.

It feels a lot freer doing a comedy.

Friends applaud, the comedy is over.

I'm a laugher and a lover of comedy.

I really like just super dry comedy.

I've never really loved mean comedy.

No subject is unsuitable for comedy.

I'm an actor who loves doing comedy.

Discussion in America means dissent.

I would love to do a romantic comedy.

Hypocrisy is great fodder for comedy.

Comedy is actually very macho driven.

I watched a lot of comedy growing up.

Comedy is the only hope for humanity.

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