The computer, being a mechanical moron, can handle only quantifiable data.

Failure is an amazing data point that tells you which direction not to go.

We don't have enough data about how lifestyle decisions impact our health.

I don't see the logic of rejecting data just because they seem incredible.

Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves.

I eventually think its going to be the consumer who controls his own data.

There is so much data available to us, but most data won't help us succeed.

We discovered that there are actually fewer companies actually buying data.

The falsification of scientific data or analysis is always a serious matter

Data isn't information, any more than fifty tons of cement is a skyscraper.

A self-driving car will have 200-plus CPUs. That's a data center on wheels.

Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using no data at all.

Quantcast combines powerful web analytics with easy-to-read charts and data.

We apply fight-or-flight reflexes not only to predators, but to data itself.

The falsification of scientific data or analysis is always a serious matter.

How can you make sense of the future when you only have data about the past?

Thought, without the data on which to structure that thought, leads nowhere.

The best mentors present their opinions simply as data and not as direction.

When a manager asks for hard data, that's usually just his way of saying no.

I'm a bit of a freak for evidence-based analysis. I strongly believe in data.

The best decision-makers are always armed with the best information and data!

We're entering a new world in which data may be more important than software.

The National Tracing Center is not allowed to have centralized computer data.

I'm a bit of a freak for evidence-based analysis. I strongly believe in data.

The world is now awash in data and we can see consumers in a lot clearer ways.

Youth is cause, effect is age; so with the thickening of the neck we get data.

Drones watch for disease and collect real-time data on crop health and yields.

In baseball you have terrific data and you can be a lot more creative with it.

There's a lot of power in executing data - generating data and executing data.

A person who is gifted sees the essential point and leaves the rest as surplus.

Simple models and a lot of data trump more elaborate models based on less data.

Computers can't find the unexpected, but people can when they eyeball the data.

Metaprograms are programs that manipulate themselves or other programs as data.

I love that the world is data intensive … unfortunately, it's called 'Big Data.'

Engineering, I think you can pick up. [A data scientist's] curiosity is built-in

Over the next ten years, everything that has a cord is going to have data in it.

Three things are certain: Death, taxes, and lost data. Guess which has occurred.

Every failure contains valuable data that will point you in the right direction.

My work is focused on using data to tell stories and explore our common humanity.

Welcome to the information age. Data, data, everywhere, but no one knows a thing.

Smart data structures and dumb code works a lot better than the other way around.

If you entrust your data to others, they can let you down or outright betray you.

When science and the Bible differ, science has obviously misinterpreted its data.

Teach where data can be found or how it can be derived, not the recording of data.

When human judgment and big data intersect there are some funny things that happen

Governance allows organizations...t o use critical data to drive the organization.

If your data is out there earning money for somebody, you should have a say in it.

A brainscan cannot interpret itself and neither can a data dashboard in education.

I believe in the power of shared data and technology to help build a better future.

scientists ... resist ... making more of the data than the data make of themselves.

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