If I could hang out with Jimi Hendrix, it wouldn't be over dinner.

I would enjoy having dinner with the poet/playwright Derek Walcott.

I like dates that are really fun as opposed to just getting dinner.

Wolves eat cats for dinner. By God, I wanna be a wolf. ~Kane Tyler~

Musicals are to the theater what wines are to a substantial dinner.

Strange to see how a good dinner and feasting reconciles everybody.

If you do see me in a restaurant, please, just let me eat my dinner.

I go out to dinner occasionally and that's the sum of my dating life.

E.T., who said to Phyllis Diller, You look weird. Never got a dinner!

I am not into fashion. I just like being able to buy my mates dinner.

He attacked us. What was I supposed to do? Invite him to dinner? (Sin)

I don't sit down and have meals too often, unless I go out for dinner.

The Kraken stirs. And ten billion sushi dinners cry out for vengeance.

Jacques Cousteau, the last man to see Jimmy Hoffa. Never got a dinner!

When one is too old for love, one finds great comfort in good dinners.

We don't have to talk about faith and family at dinner-we just show it.

People come to my places to eat dinner with their friends, not with me.

I would have loved to have met Marilyn Monroe and have dinner with her.

A great dinner must include not only yummy food, but good conversation.

I eat almost no lunch. I have a big dinner but I don't have a big lunch.

Joan Rivers, who said to Marcel Marceau, Can we talk? Never got a dinner!

I go to eat dinner with my folks when I'm home. I think that's the trick.

I love to cook, and I love to have all my family around the dinner table.

When I was 11, I made truffle risotto for my family for Christmas dinner.

The quarter of an hour before dinner is the worst that suitors can choose.

The most intense thing I’ve ever done was bring a girl to Passover dinner.

Queen Elizabeth, who said, Not now, I'm on the throne. Never got a dinner!

I was at dinner with Gene Wilder and imitated Ethel Barrymore for everyone

He makes his cook his merit, and the world visits his dinners and not him.

Family dinner. Seven-thirty sharp. Tie optional. Straight-jacker required.

I'd rather dig a ditch than go to a dinner party with people I don't know.

Poor, darling fellow - he died of food. He was killed by the dinner table.

I was at dinner with Gene Wilder and imitated Ethel Barrymore for everyone.

My favorite thing is to have a big dinner with friends and talk about life.

Dinner parties are still highly popular, and I believe they always will be.

I make a dog-friendly version of almost everything that we make for dinner.

It's getting so people no longer count the silverware when I come to dinner.

A bachelor's life is a fine breakfast, a flat lunch, and a miserable dinner.

I'm very happy to watch a video at home with a friend rather than do dinner.

I have never understood why a woman must have a man to take her into dinner.

I make sure I make a painting - that's my job. And I cook the Sunday dinner.

Most often the person you would die for would settle for dinner and a movie.

Jeans should never be worn to someone's home if you are having dinner there.

I just don't get invited to the same dinner parties I used to like to go to.

I am different - if you can find another like me, then I will buy you dinner!

Find me a man who's interesting enough to have dinner with and I'll be happy.

Show me another pleasure like dinner which comes every day and lasts an hour.

Misery loves company which is ironic because it rarely throws dinner parties.

The easiest way to stay awake during an after-dinner speech is to deliver it.

I rarely have time for lunch, so tend to have a big breakfast and big dinner.

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