Don't know about my knives, but my gun's made of pain.

You don't have to carry a gun to be a freedom fighter.

Machine guns are taken through grit and determination.

I don't care about crime, I just want to get the guns.

Did you ever see anyone shot by a gun without bleeding?

Gun bans don't disarm criminals, gun bans attract them.

When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state".

The only thing that's going to free Huey is gun powder.

When they come for your guns, give them the ammo first.

Send lawyers, guns, and money. Dad, get me out of this.

You have to stick to your guns for what your vision is.

Put a gun to my head and paint the wall with my brains.

Remember the first rule of gunfighting... 'have a gun.'

I always believed it would happen and stuck to my guns.

I have more guns than I need and not as many as I want.

The gun of the father is always the undoing of the son.

You don't spread democracy through the barrel of a gun.

when guns are outlawed only the outlaws will have guns.

I have a love interest in every one of my films: a gun.

Privacy is dead, and social media holds the smoking gun.

I don't live in an outlaw world and I don't carry a gun.

My belief is guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Safety isn't always safe. You can find one on every gun.

I'm just damseling mostly. I'm not very good with a gun.

I'm concerned about how and why there is no gun control.

The engine of the tank is a weapon just as the main-gun.

The western is the simplest form of drama - a gun, death.

I'm a gun owner. I'm a strong second amendment supporter.

I am a gun owner and a hunter and a gun rights supporter.

Guns will make us powerful; butter will only make us fat.

I've been around responsible gun ownership my whole life.

Every gun sold should require a background check, period.

No one rocks a heavy machine gun like Michelle Rodriguez.

I had a gun and I had to run and shoot, which is not easy.

Sometimes you have to pick the gun up to put the Gun down.

What is a left-wing socialist but a Marxist without a gun?

Working in a gun store is hard on your feet and your back.

If you look down a barrel of a gun... you don't forget it.

If you're a terrorist, you shouldn't be able to buy a gun.

You don't go on "probably" when love and guns are in hand.

Guns don’t kill people. The aliens behind the triggers do.

Closing the gun show loophole would be a good thing to do.

Formerly we suffered from crimes; now we suffer from laws.

Guns 'N' Roses music was part of the fabric of all people.

Liberals tell amazing lies about guns and everything else.

Blaming guns for murder is like blaming forks for obesity.

If you're not gonna pull the trigger, don't point the gun.

Surprisingly, I'm not a fan of guns or anything like that!

I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children.

And I swear that I don't have a I don't have a gun

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