I'm a tank, man.

Tank you veddy much.

Think Tank, noun: The shower.

Nothing crushes freedom as substantially as a tank.

I carry groceries home on the tank of my motorcycle.

The engine of the tank is a weapon just as the main-gun.

The only reality show that I do tune in for is 'Shark Tank.'

I can't see anybody wanting to go to 'Tank Girl: The Musical!'

The tank entrance at WrestleMania 31 is my favorite moment in WWE.

You shouldn't have to be a chair at a think tank to speak your mind.

I like to wear layers - pants, tank tops, jackets - when I work out.

By far my most perilous assignment was covering a tank car explosion.

When you still have something in the tank, it's really hard to let it go.

I'm into a casual-dressing girl: blue jeans and a tank top is super sexy.

The basic idea for what became 'Epic Mickey' began at the Disney Think Tank.

At the after-party of the Indy 500, I'm usually wearing jeans and a tank top.

The last couple of years I've been on an empty tank. And that's gotta change.

When you watch 'Shark Tank,' everything is about off-shore this, off-shore that.

How is the economy supposed to recover when people can't afford to fill the tank?

There is no right to work in a think tank, and these are very privileged positions.

Me and my brothers decided to form a group called T.G.T. - Tyrese, Ginuwine and Tank.

When I grew up here, there was no T-Hub. Probably, the closest to T was the Tank bund.

I tend to like the most basic pieces with the perfect fit and fabric, like a simple tank.

I went through phases of odd hairstyles and tank top-over-tee outfits and stuff like that.

I have a thing for men's boxer briefs and a tank top. If I'm wearing them, I'm a happy gal.

Mine is an unarmed people, whose children have never seen a fighter or a tank or a warship.

Long chiffon pleated skirts look great with sandals or sneakers and a tank top or denim top.

In L.A., I love being with my friends and being able to eat out and wear tank tops at night.

I used to listen to the soundtrack for the movie 'Tank Girl' all the time. It was really good.

I am ashamed to say that both my children knew Stalin before they knew Thomas the Tank Engine.

Who doesn't like playing with a railway? I think we've all got Thomas the Tank Engine in our blood.

Whenever the lion fish in the fish tank in the captain's ready room died it was always a sad moment.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that the 761st was Patton's best tank unit and nobody knew about it.

My own grandfathers were a submarine commander and a 'desert rats' tank operator in the Second World War.

Washington is like a self-sealing tank on a military aircraft. When a bullet passes through, it closes up.

I'm always in an Alexander Wang t-shirt or tank top and Acne jeans. I can just throw that on and be myself.

I still believe Emmitt has enough left in the tank to be a productive back over the next couple of seasons.

Whoever believes that a symbolic tank parade on the alliance's eastern border will bring security is mistaken.

I used to have some fish, some nice little carp, but they got too big for the tank. I don't have any pets now.

My biggest emotion on Apollo 13 after the oxygen tank explosion was disappointment that we had lost the landing.

I can't throw a nickel from the Capitol without hitting a think tank that's been financed by one of the Gulf States.

A grenade launcher will easily take out a tank; a Molotov cocktail placed in its air intake will destroy one as well.

Today a minimum wage earner has to work a day and a half just to pay for a full tank of gas. That is simply shameful.

Unlike your fish tank, in nature, fish eat each other. When the population of a species gets too low, it will die out.

Civilization is a youth with a molotov cocktail in his hand. Culture is the Soviet tank or L.A. cop that guns him down.

It doesn't take a degree in economics to know that something is wrong when it takes $30 or $40 to fill up the gas tank.

I'm super, super casual. I like boxer shorts or jeans or tank tops, tennis shoes and flip flops. That's about it for me.

My daily uniform is always an easy T-shirt or tank top, a pair of jeans and a leather or denim jacket, and combat boots.

If I ever make a lot of money in the NBA, I'm going to have this massive tank, and it's going to have an alligator in it.

My outfits also need to be low-key. I'm a huge fan of boots, sandals, jeans and tank tops! Anything I can move in easily.

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