The Travel Channel named me the professional fun seeker, and that's exactly what I am.

I like someone I can have fun with and who can be more laid-back than I am, because it calms me down.

I am addicted to hockey now. I've seen it on TV, but to be there? I had no idea that white people were having so much fun without me.

On my Superwoman channel, I am more of a performer, I am aiming to make you guys laugh. With vlogs, it's just me and my day, boring or fun.

My closest friends from Israel make fun of me for becoming an American, and my American friends make fun of how Israeli I am... I can't win.

People keep asking me if I am having more fun, being blonde, but I always have fun! Whether I'm blonde, redhead, or brunette! I always have fun.

I've played both right-back and right wing, I can't really say if I am more comfortable in one or the other but both are fun positions for me to play.

The kind of filmmaker that I am, even my darker horror films generally are still very fun. And I think that's important for me and the kind of films I make.

I think it is rewarding to manage, but it is not what I am passionate about. Managing more than 200 people, maybe 150 people, isn't fun to me and is not my skill set.

Red carpet is always fun, but you're never going to see me on the street or in the grocery store in 6-inch heels. But I am always going to have big, fabulous hair and makeup.

Writing anything is terribly hard but, alas for me, because I am addicted, a heck of a lot of fun. I often am sorry I ever started writing prose, because it is so hard. But I can't stop.

I am pretty laid back, I think, and I don't so much want the spotlight on me. I just like to go to the field every day, do my routine, talk baseball, and have as much fun with it as you can.

I wouldn't say I'm girl-crazy, because that makes me sound like a bit of a womanizer. That isn't really me. But I am quite flirty - maybe too flirty. I'm an 18-year-old boy, and I like to have fun!

I am always living in the now, so I like what fate brings to you. That's always fun for me. To have a process and someone be like, 'How about this?' And you just grab onto that and see where it takes you.

I am a skateboarder, and to stay fit for skating I have to stay away from a lot of things. I go to parties and that's fun for me, but between skating and lifting and everything, I know what I have to do the next day, so I'm very conscious about my schedule and keeping it.

There's an old hymn called 'How Can I Keep from Singing?' That's what writing feels like to me. I have to write. It's intrinsic to who I am. So it was a natural choice for me to try to pursue writing as a career. Truthfully, though, I still daydream about how fun it would be to ride on the back of a garbage truck.

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