It's an amazing blessing to go to work every day with people I genuinely love.

I would love to work with Paolo Nutini because he is so soulful and an amazing songwriter.

I would love to work with Drake. I think he's such a pop star, and he's dropping amazing songs.

I love actors. That's my bread and butter, and I got to work with some amazing ones on '12 Years'.

There are so many amazing directors I would love to work with, like Christopher Nolan, who is a total pipe dream.

I'd love to work with Gerry Butler, Alan Cummings, and Ewan McGregor. It'd be amazing if we could do a Scottish Hollywood movie.

I love Steven Meisel and David Sims' work, I think they're both amazing photographers. I want to be at the same level as them one day.

Big dress, cocktails, party - I love that. It is my work, but my work allow me to have glamour, to wear beautiful and amazing dresses, to go to big ceremonies.

I work on most weekends, so my husband is the executive chef. He is an amazing cook. I love the way he does salmon, and his apple pie for dessert is delicious.

When you work with directors who really love actors, who love their contribution, it feels amazing. But sometimes when you work with directors, you feel like you're in the way.

I've had an amazing run in my career. It could end tomorrow. I have artists who love me, and I love them, but they could call me tomorrow and say, 'I don't wanna work with you.'

I would love to work with Joanna Newsom on a ballet. I think that would be amazing. She has a gift for orchestrating and composing, and I think she would be really engaging to work with.

I really want to work with Adele, I think she's amazing. Lykke Li as well. I love them both. I'd also like to work with The Script. I met them in Australia and we just got on like a house on fire.

Cycling has never felt like a job. To get paid for something that you absolutely love is amazing. I don't feel like I work. I just do it because I love it and I get paid to do it. I just think: 'What an easy way to earn a living.'

It's torment to look in the mirror and not recognize the man in the reflection. How amazing would it be to love someone through their honest and ugly moments?! It takes a journey to work off the mask to become authentic and whole.

I would love to work with Anthony Hopkins; I would love to work with Meryl Streep; I would love to work with DeNiro; I would love to work with Johnny Depp; I'd love to work with Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow... I think she's amazing.

When I'm doing a film, I love getting together after work with my costars. But we get back to L.A. and I'm like, 'I don't want to go to a club with you, dude. I mean, I think you're rad, and if you want to come play Scrabble with me, that's amazing.'

I love Maira Kalman. She's an amazing illustrator and writer. I've loved her since I was in college, but when I moved to New York and experienced the same city she was drawing and writing about, I developed a whole new appreciation. Her work made me observe everything so much deeper and more joyfully.

I would love to do a track with Will.I.Am. He's always creating amazing songs. I mean, to be honest, Chris Brown has always been amazing, so I would hop on there and let him do his thing and create some magic there. As for a producer, I would love to work with J.R. Rotem. He's my favorite producer out there.

I'm not interested in doing 'Star Wars.' It's an amazing movie, but that's not my gift. I tell the stories that I tell that relate to the people who love what I do. That is the place and the path that I know I am supposed to be on. The minute I try and go do something else, it will be amazing to watch how quickly that don't work.

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